Tag: Obama

The New Hampshire Primary And The Dearth – Thank God – Of Feminazism

So, what is a feminazi anyway? Well, for those none-the-wiser, the feminazi’s are a hard core bunch of bull-dike females who broke loose the chains of genteel, princess-like womanhood to morph, not unlike the Hulk, into the she-male leaders of the not exactly human Bonobo monkey tribe. They specialized, during their hey-day, in the sometimes abusive indoctrination of innocent young children into their anti-procreation doctrine sometimes referred to as “Fifty ways to kill your baby.” These pants wearing she-males don’t make Planned Parenthood videos, no siree, they cut to the chase and instead of Fruit-loops or Cheerios, they eat baby parts for breakfast. They are the most extreme of cultural icons, who spearheaded the “pro-choice” movement.

Warning – Eric Parker Acquitted – Another Enemy Combatant Goes Free

In each case, (Eric Parker) Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and others, the message is clear. Law enforcement has been granted a license to kill, even if it amounts to murder, with absolutely no fear of criminal repercussions what-so-ever. The Tamir Rice case is perhaps the most obvious, and the most egregious example of thugs murdering an innocent victim. In is unconscionable that in the United States of America, such a travesty can go unanswered.

Bruce Askins: Very ‘Portant Nut

It now appears that Bruce was looking forward to the conspiracy event, of which I had no knowledge, the Lee Bus crash, and wanted to derail my candidacy in order to paint me into a villainous box. He would be the hero, or the anti-hero, depending on your moral and ethical take on the conspiracy and blood sport. He must have been thinking, if he could only take the reigns he would get credit in the Butler vs. Lee “game.” Of course, conspiracy to commit murder is not a game, and while I am fully aware there are those who get a kick and a chuckle out of such things, I am not, have never been, and would never want there to be room for me among those barbaric cretins.

Barack Obama’s Mea Culpa Shake Shake Shake

At the time, I thought it odd that he would suddenly make a very deliberate effort to reach out and shake hands with what I assume to be a secret service agent. Could be a county detective, but even still, it seemed out of character to me. Either way, it seemed he was posing for my benefit, which might bring on some secondary possibilities that would explain his particularly magnanimous behavior – for a hack photographer and a shade tree website builder like myself.

Huntsville Bus Station Spotlight – Ass Whoopin

There is, however, substantial evidence that this event was deliberately orchestrated to place a spotlight on the Lee High School Bus conspiracy massacre that occurred near this location in 2006, and is part of a conspiracy inspired and orchestrated by the recently announced seditious caliphate lead by Connecticut Governor Daniel P. Malloy, and US President Barack Obama. In short, this event is a conspiracy and a premeditated act of domestic terrorism by definition.

Donald Trump’s No Fly List | SCOTUS Radicalized

In Huntsville, the Lee High School Bus Massacre that happened on November 20, 2006 is exactly the type of “911” domestic terrorism event that is accepted as an “accident” because of the cultism involved. Never-the-less, this type of event cultivates acceptance of the government radicalization that we are now seeing. ALL domestic terrorism events must be recognized for what they are and investigated by Homeland Security in order to end the bloody crusades that underlie the events.

Hillaryous | Obama Radicalized, Seditious

What is naive, is to think the US government is unaware and unable to stop terrorism before it happens. Donald J. Trump admitted he knew about 911, but people still don’t seem to get it. Terrorism is planned decades in advance. The ONLY way to end the terrorism facilitated by a government, CIA, FBI and MIC that are already radicalized and ultra-extreme is to stop voting for the establishment radicals – whether they are career politicians or not.