Jim Casey goes live walkabout in downtown Huntsville this time returning to the scene of many seemingly unconnected events that deserve to be revisited.
Tag: Obama
Will Joe Biden Really Be The First Chinese President?
Wretched Little Woman – R.I.P. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Corona Virus Conspiracy – Biological Warfare
The New Chinese Master Class
COMPLICITYGATE: Donald Trump’s International Coronation – Expensive But Unavoidable
The use of chemical weapons in Syria has been a dirty, nasty, barbaric business and I’m one that doesn’t believe in “blood sacrifice” to start with. As far as I’m concerned, two percent snuff is still 98% too much – whatever that means. What I do know for sure is that Kim Jung’un has the capability, or very soon will, to summarily obliterate hundreds of millions of lives in the United States – and to quite literally wipe cities like New York completely off of the map. North Korea continues to be defiant against the International community – how strong is too much when major American cities are at stake?
The Trump-Obama-Care Crop And Chop Nightmare
Here is the fundamental reality. At this point, it’s an all or nothing proposition. That wasn’t an absolute truth even twenty years ago. It is now. The genie is out of the bottle, and there ain’t no putting it back. We will grow and prosper as a free an independent nation, or will slide permanently into the abyss of formal classicism, caste, and human servitude.
President Donald J Trump Delivers Reality Check In A Unifying Address
Even still, many of my generation correctly see the impositions of the Kennedy dynasty, however necessary or justified, as an unofficial system of marshal law. And the fact is, so much was accomplished from that time through methods that could never stand the light of day, and in fact were, and still are brazenly unconstitutional. In a way, it’s no wonder that many colored folks have no respect for the constitution.
President Elect Trump Fires Himself To Hit The Ground Running
The method of his divestment’s I find to be reasonable, appropriate and laudable – and not even required. However, while also not required, the excuses for not releasing his tax returns have been refuted and are ridiculous and thin. To truly act in good faith, exposing his business interests to the American people would be the right thing to do.
Nuclear Holocaust: Grups vs Youngens – Buy The Book !!!
So, if you followed that line of thinking so far, you’re probably a Grup, at which point you’re probably dissing this non-sense because it must be about toccin’ to the Youngens. If that’s what you are thinking, you are wrong. In fact, my pollyannish satirical diatribes are almost always directed at the Grups. No, I do not live in Birmingham, I know Michael Jackson is dead, and I don’t think Bernie Sanders is all that clever.
Trump Must Resort To Stratagem
If Trump does rig the election for Hillary to be the first woman president, damage will be out of control – just like Hillary.
The Uppity White Folks Meeting’s Last Hurrah
Donald J. Trump they said, was too liberal to win the Republican nomination. But he did. He came in from the left and then moved to right with his metaphoric comb-over and landed in the arms of the TEA Party zealots.