There is no doubt in my mind, and according to anonymous sources, that the Corona Virus is a conspiracy. Don’t jump to conclusions, I didn’t say the Chinese did it, just that it was done. One official recently opined that the emergence of a deadly novel corona virus was expected. I suppose they can predict such things with some confidence, but I don’t think they could have predicted the timing which I therefore suggest is deliberate.
Why would anyone do such a thing? I cannot tell you exactly who did what, and therefore I cannot say for sure what the motivations for seeding the virus have been. However, I can extrapolate some common reasoning.
2020.05.04 CORRECTION
In the following paragraph I first stated that Anthony Fauci is with the CDC, and while he might as well be, he is actually affiliated with the NIAID – National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. – JC
Assume theoretically well-intentioned health care scientists collaborated – let’s say they’re all in on it – the CDC, Fauci, the WHO and other world health authorities including the Chinese. Their reasoning would be that the imminent threat of the inevitably emerging virus would best be mitigated by seeding it on a schedule thus allowing control of circumstances and economies that would result in the least loss of life and the inarculation of the herd. Inarculating the herd then reduces the spread and threat into the future.
Consider this, the biggest factor that will benefit the United States is the reality that our economy was roaring along with the least unemployment in 50 years. If this had happened during Obama’s recession, think in terms of how much worse the economic impact might have been. Of course, it isn’t over, but still. And, the baby boomers are now aging, and they are at risk, but they might have been ten years older as a group, and then the risk and loss of life might have been that much greater.
However, let’s say it’s something that the Chinese are fundamentally responsible for. They have a vested interest in our weakened economy and claim they have suffered very little compared to the rest of the world. They have also become more aggressive in their posturing in the South China Sea where control of shipping lanes is of a crucial international interest. There were more distractions starting out including an oil war, and U.S. gun boats headed to Venezuela. All in all a toxic mix that could compromise American interests in the world. And of course, that would mean such a despicable act would literally be biological warfare.
In my view, it’s most likely the result of international collaboration. But, I will not allow for the well-intentioned explanation. As far as I’m concerned, it is still biological warfare. As of now, the Corona Virus has killed close to 25,000 people in the United States, and thankfully the curve is flattening and we can hopefully see the end in site. But did you know that the flu has also killed around 25,000 this season? That is actually typical and in fact a low number thus far. I don’t want anyone to get killed, but the Corona Virus had been projected to kill as many as 2 million or more. That clearly isn’t going to happen. The experts will claim the lower numbers are because of their mitigation efforts. I have my doubts. The social distancing probably has helped, but I seriously doubt the Corona Virus is anywhere near as bad, or was ever on track to be, like the Spanish flu.
Now, we are headed for a “reopening” of business in our nation that will likely commence around the 1st of May. While I’m of the opinion that a “soft lockdown” would have been best over the “hard lockdown” we have endured, so be it. The rhetoric of “reopening” is, however, punctuated with Orwellian concepts such as compulsory testing, surveillance, tracking, registry, documentation and health passports. Them’s fighting words. And that’s why I say the theoretically well-intentioned explanation – aside from being premeditated manslaughter – is political and therefore it is also biological warfare. It is socialist, it is big brother, it is authoritarian – it is not the principles upon which this nation was founded. It is unconstitutional.
The rest of the reality is that this country has suffered from one conspiracy after another going all the way back to the assassination of JFK. The conspiracies connect and provide a destructive reverberating undertow that undermines our most basic principles of liberty, freedom and justice. The continuum of force is an attack on our nation, our way of life, and democracy. It must end.
When it comes to reopening, people who are at risk should continue to have the option and resources to socially distance. People who work with at risk individuals and the elderly probably should have the extra restrictions and precautions. But when it comes to the “rollout” those folks who are asymptomatic and feeling fine must be allowed to return to the workplace, and the shopping mall, whether they have been tested or not and whether they have been exposed and produced antibodies or not. Let the sporting events and large crowds wait awhile, but don’t impose on people individually.
Whatever risk this approach would pose to the general population is not likely to have the catastrophic result that would begin to compare with the blood that has been shed over the ages and many wars for the liberty and freedom of the American people. The Orwellian, draconian, imposition of socialist big brother must not be provided an infrastructure to build upon.
Mr. President, Donald Trump, the investigation is yours to conduct for the inception of this premeditated biological warfare. Building an infrastructure for the tyranny of Orwellian socialism is also your buck to stop.
©2020 – Jim Casey