The FBI is obviously a toxic mix of incompetence and corruption that would only further caramelize organized crime in a town like Huntsville.
Tag: POW
John McCain – Buried With His Moccasins On
Prosecuting SUPER COP !!! Ricky McCarver: Martyr For INJUSTICE
As for Police Officer Ricky McCarver, any nine year veteran police officer who is that stupid, or that incompetent, or who simply cannot control his own algirythms is simply not fit to be a police officer. Or, he is guilty of a subversive conspiracy to deny constitutional rights, false imprisonment, and a host of other illegal activity. Either way you look at it, Ricky McCarver needs to exit to find another job in a capacity that he can handle, maybe making car tags in the federal penitentiary.
The New Hampshire Primary And The Dearth – Thank God – Of Feminazism
So, what is a feminazi anyway? Well, for those none-the-wiser, the feminazi’s are a hard core bunch of bull-dike females who broke loose the chains of genteel, princess-like womanhood to morph, not unlike the Hulk, into the she-male leaders of the not exactly human Bonobo monkey tribe. They specialized, during their hey-day, in the sometimes abusive indoctrination of innocent young children into their anti-procreation doctrine sometimes referred to as “Fifty ways to kill your baby.” These pants wearing she-males don’t make Planned Parenthood videos, no siree, they cut to the chase and instead of Fruit-loops or Cheerios, they eat baby parts for breakfast. They are the most extreme of cultural icons, who spearheaded the “pro-choice” movement.
Obama Got Your Face
For the facial recognition record, it is my opinion that state legislator Mike Ball should shut his mouth and swallow his own cannabidiol oil.
Never Stop And Frisk A Ferral Cat
Oriana Ferral did something wrong, even still, she is not incarnate evil waging war on New Mexico. Her kids certainly are not.
High Speed Chase The Heat Is On
Yes Virginia I AM Still A Journalist
This photo shows where an enclave of “professional” journalists, apparently the remnants from The Huntsville Times, now working for “” have set up shop in downtown Huntsville – only three blocks from the original “Times Building.” Last week a senate panel approved guidelines in order to define what a journalist is under the new media […]
Rainbow Borg Uniformity Swallows Independence And Individualism
So, bitch, bitch, bitch, didn’t all them slaves bitch about broke up families and sending they baybee to be raised by someone else…
Edward Snowden American Hero & Whistle Blower Charged With Espionage
All the basic principles of good government, good media, and good citizenship are being turned upside down by obvious and glaring conflicts of interest.
Corn Cob Mafia Starving Kids In Guatemala
I am shocked and saddened on both counts. Our energy use has already been called an addiction. Once started, consumption of human food resources to fuel vehicles will never stop.
NRA President David Keene Puts The 2nd Amendment On Slippery Slope
In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]