Cannon Ball Run Redux

Jim Casey goes live walkabout in downtown Huntsville this time returning to the scene of many seemingly unconnected events that deserve to be revisited. Check all the articles below and you’ll find a bunch of interesting information and have a little fun seeing what all goes on in Huntsville.


I really should’ve started this video about two blocks further south, well just ’bout across the street, at the Heritage Club where then candidate Barack Obama made an appearance in 2007. Please overlook the Obamanation. ( Oh, oh, updated to note closer proximity of the exclusive Heritage club which closed permanently some time ago.)

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Cannon Balls Redux Series

2015.04.08 Norfolk Southern

Huntsville City Depot Transportation Bus Station Complex Maps

Alternative Text

After reviewing all the information available, it turns out that the current Huntsville City Transportation Bus Station is built immediately on top of the original Huntsville Train Shops that were built around 1860. In fact, it seems highly likely that the digital time and temperature display located in the center of the bus terminal awning, is just about exactly in the center of the original turntable location. The point of impact of the Lee High School Bus, when it fell from the sky like a bomb, is also marked on these maps. Check it out.

2016.05.16 The Tribe Has Spoken …So Long Uncle Bamy

2016.05.16 2016.05.16 The Tribe Has Spoken …So Long Uncle Bamy

Cannon Ball Run Redux

Jim Casey goes live walkabout in downtown Huntsville this time returning to the scene of many seemingly unconnected events that deserve to be revisited.

Cannon Balls Redux – Network Tv – A Sign Of The Times

Mainstream media satellite trucks counting the minutes in 2005 awaiting Eric Rudolph to appear at the Federal Courthouse in downtown Huntsville.

This live-stream walkabout is, in a lot of ways, about the transition of media, all media, from print and broadcast TV, to Internet digital. It’s also about Huntsville events and landmarks past, present and future, and a man whose elevator didn’t quite reach the top.

Cannon Balls Redux – WAR!

Calhoun House in downtown Huntsville

This live walkabout in downtown Huntsville features Huntsville’s renown Spite House, Maria Howard Weeden, a desperado named Frank James the older brother of Jesse James no less, and the first Confederate Secretary of War Leroy Pope Walker who gave the word to fire upon Fort Sumter starting the Civil War. Advertisement

Cannon Balls Redux – If The Horseshoe Fits

Episcopal Church of the Nativity in downtown Huntsville

Jim Casey goes live walkabout again in downtown Huntsville starting at the Calhoun House historic marker where the last walkabout in this series left off. Watch the video for more commentary and information, and to see all the historic scenes in this remarkably small half-mile stretch in downtown Huntsville, Alabama.