Category: Snapshots

Profile Of Indoctrination And Corruption: Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning

A cops job is dangerous. True enough. But, take another looks a the facts. Since 1880, 22 law enforcement officials have been killed in Madison County. In the last ten years alone, I’ve counted about 15 unnecessary deaths that were the result of jailer depravity, or excessive force by cops. A that rate, the cops have killed around 200 people – almost all of which were innocent or guilty of nothing serious. A track record of 22 cops to 200 innocent citizens isn’t very good. In fact, it’s goddamn unacceptable.

Benito Albarran: Shades of Farron Barksdale And Systemic Penal Corruption

Isn’t killing a police officer serious? Of course it is, and I’m not making excuses for Albarran. But, the very fact that we have a civilized system that includes an organized method of determining the disposition of crime, and that that system includes police officers who go about doing their job – hopefully in a civilized manner – is the same system that by definition says that even convicts are not to be killed, or allowed to commit suicide, while in prison.

Legalize Marijuana, Break The Cycle, End The Plantation

The “aggravations” that I mentioned, simply put, are that about half the state of Alabama is literally being run as a plantation; Alabama has a deeply corrupt legal system – led by Roy Moore – that is exploiting pseudo-religious cultism; and the fact that the Medical Industrial Complex is itself rampantly corrupt – especially in those areas of practice that are often subjective like psychological ailments.

Barnum And Baily Caves To PETA Pressure To Send Elephants Packing

It seems to me that a lot of people love elephants, and by extension all other wild and exotic animals, many near extinction, because there is a circus and because there are zoos where we can see them and they become real. The conservation and protection of all those magnificent animals depends on public awareness and concern for them. Animals we never see, are animals we never worry about. I can’t answer all the questions about animal treatment and happiness, but it seems to me that PETA is doing more harm than good. And besides, what’s a circus without elephants? Maybe a prelude to a world without elephants?

BREAKING NEWS: Yard Abatement Last Straw

The scuttlebutt on the streets is that City and State officials have had it. This mayhem must be stopped! Reports at this time indicate that a contingency of armored vehicles has been commissioned from Redstone Arsenal with backup to arrive from Ft. McClellan within the week. Residents will be asked to move, and if they refuse, their homes will be bulldozed while they are still inside.