…the affidavit and the documents should be released in full to the public for public scrutiny and prosecution of the illegal activity that would be exposed.
Tag: Nuclear
My Daddy’s “Emancipation” Proclamation
The cold war served up some sobering realities: “He says then, you don’t have to, and she’s not going to tell you twice. But know this, he says, if you don’t henceforth thereafter you will be ’emancipated.'”
Musings On The World Wide Ukrainian Crisis
Even still, I shudder to think of a two sided world where NATO is the only answer to China.
TVA Demolishes Widows Creek Coal Fired Plant
In this video, TVA demolishes Widow’s Creek coal plant.
Build A Wall, Shut It Down, Or Go Around
I was hoping President Trump would have Nancy Pilose arrested by Capital police as she took the gavel, ranting on the way down the Capital steps no doubt, and taken to Gitmo.
Just Tell The Kiddos: “Mommy Went Shopping”
Don’t Fire That Son-Of-A-Bitch !!!
Will The Dark Side Of The Moon Be Apocalypse Now?!
Forgive me for waxing poetic… well maybe this wrap-up should just be called “waxy.” … In short, these stories about eugenics, censorship, invasion of privacy and the impending North Korean apocalypse deserve much more attention, but the world moves on, and these stories will reappear, probably over and again. Never-the-less, I take note for the sake of doing so.
Day Late And A Warhead Short – For Now
Here’s another part of the equation. It has already been my estimation that Trump’s wide open Wall Street policy will result in another economic crash – just like it did because of previous Republican administrations. Well, I’m not an economic expert, and vectors come with a lot of variables, but it seems to me that economic crashes in this country have gotten successively worse with the next one on track to be a 1929 humdinger – or worse.
COMPLICITYGATE: Donald Trump’s International Coronation – Expensive But Unavoidable
The use of chemical weapons in Syria has been a dirty, nasty, barbaric business and I’m one that doesn’t believe in “blood sacrifice” to start with. As far as I’m concerned, two percent snuff is still 98% too much – whatever that means. What I do know for sure is that Kim Jung’un has the capability, or very soon will, to summarily obliterate hundreds of millions of lives in the United States – and to quite literally wipe cities like New York completely off of the map. North Korea continues to be defiant against the International community – how strong is too much when major American cities are at stake?
Nuclear Holocaust: Grups vs Youngens – Buy The Book !!!
So, if you followed that line of thinking so far, you’re probably a Grup, at which point you’re probably dissing this non-sense because it must be about toccin’ to the Youngens. If that’s what you are thinking, you are wrong. In fact, my pollyannish satirical diatribes are almost always directed at the Grups. No, I do not live in Birmingham, I know Michael Jackson is dead, and I don’t think Bernie Sanders is all that clever.