Tag: Medical Industrial Complex

The Trump-Obama-Care Crop And Chop Nightmare

Here is the fundamental reality. At this point, it’s an all or nothing proposition. That wasn’t an absolute truth even twenty years ago. It is now. The genie is out of the bottle, and there ain’t no putting it back. We will grow and prosper as a free an independent nation, or will slide permanently into the abyss of formal classicism, caste, and human servitude.

Legalize Marijuana, Break The Cycle, End The Plantation

The “aggravations” that I mentioned, simply put, are that about half the state of Alabama is literally being run as a plantation; Alabama has a deeply corrupt legal system – led by Roy Moore – that is exploiting pseudo-religious cultism; and the fact that the Medical Industrial Complex is itself rampantly corrupt – especially in those areas of practice that are often subjective like psychological ailments.

Who Is Parker Griffith?

People who sell out and become the wolf in sheep’s clothing usually have trouble drawing a line when it comes to morality, ethics, and individual rights and independence. Who is Parker Griffith? If you’re a liberal democrat, you might want to take a closer look at the political car he’s selling – I think maybe there’s some sawdust in the transmission.