Alabama State Senator Tom Butler: Tyrant, Demagogue, Sexual Predator

I’s hard to imagine that the people of Alabama State Senator Tom Butler’s district have continued to allow him to hold office. An old school democrat he switched parties rather than be shanghaied by his constituents But, he’s still a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and ultimately would be in Joe Biden’s court if he could get away with it.

Tom Butler is an obsessive compulsive sexual predator who follows people into their own bedroom to monitor their behavior. And, he has other ulterior motives.

In fact, he’s a former pharmacist who has acted as a liaison between the Medical Industrial Complex, the state legislature and his religious cult known for imposing eugenics on their own naive congregation.

The MIC has been staying low while pseudo-religious cults practicing Darwinism cultivate their anti-christian protocols. Butler has also played a roll in a cult of malfeasant medical professionals that enforces their neo-Nazi agenda by raping children, engaging in “hack” conspiracies, gas lighting, and other tactics that are not ethical or legal.

And, don’t go online to register your grievances with Butler on his social accounts. He will block your legitimate comments in spite of laws disallowing that action.

Neo-Nazis like Tom Butler are dangerous no matter how mild mannered they may seem. They don’t believe in constitutional rights, only their warped and perverted obsession with enforcing their agenda of ethnic cleansing, eugenics and genocide. They are irrational and unstable and ultimately cannot be trusted.

It’s time for Tom Butler to resign, or at the least for his district to oust him in the next election.

©2024 – Jim Casey

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