Holy Fuck Beating* 10 year old kids (in the school system) stages enforcement of false imprisonment and human trafficking.
Tag: Facebook
Will Joe Biden Really Be The First Chinese President?
Mark Zuckerberg’s “Blood Libel”
Asserting that the “official” version of Sandy Hook is absolutely correct while disallowing any other narrative is “blood libel” – theoretically and in my opinion.
The Mulie Report Lives Forever !!!
The precedents are dangerous and destructive. That the FBI is clearly incompetent and/or part of the problem is foreboding. At a time when the country is sharply divided and practically in civil war over political agendas – maybe it’s time to rethink protocols.
Trump Flushed Out Turncoat Republicans With Border Emergency; Paul Manafort; New Zealand Live
President Trump flushed out the turncoats while ascending to the full power of his presidency with the veto.
Fake News, Fake Meddling, Fake Investigation – FAKE! FAKE! FAKE! – Fire Mueller !!!
It’s another situation where there really are no problems and the solutions are already in place… if only that were the motive and if only the people involved would follow the responsible protocols already in place.
The Super Bowl Of Fascism
Nothing has changed. Selfish, greedy, miopic, children have taken over a new playground because their selfish, greedy, miopic and decadent parents don’t mind flushing down the toilet bowl all that blood and sacrifice that gave them liberty, freedom, privacy, and the other constitutional rights that made it all possible.
Tommy Battle, Lewis Morris And Systemic Municipal Corruption
That a jailer can’t see someone is dying because it’s too expensive to bother with, that a poorly trained police officer finds it more efficient to kill someone wielding a knife because it’s “in accordance with Departmental policies,” and he can get away with it, that gang violence in the jail can go totally unchecked allowing an innocent victim to be brutally murdered, that the promotion of Lewis Morris Jr. actually stands as an endorsement of child molestation and torture… are all the exemplary results of the attitude that Tommy Battle embraces.
Huntsville’s Gestapo Strikes Again!
No doubt about it, knives can be dangerous, as evidenced by the recent beheadings of singled out westerners by Middle Eastern Islamic extremists. All the knife wielding terrorist needed to do the dirty deed, was a fixed blade knife about six inches long… and a hostage with a bag over his head, and his hands tied behind his back, and a dozen or so like minded henchmen with automatic weapons on stand by.
A Terrorist Organization – The Interfaith Mission Service – IMS
I regard the IMS as a proactive terrorist organization and I have witnessed those associated to that organizational structure involved directly or as accessories in several illegal activities: conspiracy, child molestation, torture, coercion, identity theft, human trafficking, extortion, racketeering, and with deliberately attendant political propagandizing – what amounts to domestic terrorism.
Obama Got Your Face
For the facial recognition record, it is my opinion that state legislator Mike Ball should shut his mouth and swallow his own cannabidiol oil.
The Arrogance Of The Privacy Invaders – Zuckerberg And Google
Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The arrogance of the techno privacy invaders is the real story here.