Even though I grew up an avid “outdoors man,” spending time on boy scout camp outs and weekends on the lake, I never saw as much diversity of wildlife until I found out they all actually live downtown.
Tag: Chicken
Dedicated To The Spirits Having Flown
I reckon this to be chicken hawk, but she seems to brighter and more beautifully marked than what I have seen before. She sat there so quietly, and for so long, that I decided she might be sick, or maybe dazed on poison, or something. The was still sitting there forty five minutes later when I finally had to leave. But again it seems I am wrong. Because she continues to come back and sit in the same spot, or sometimes just down the way, on the same power lines.
Blue Herons
I felt this to be a remarkable shot for several reasons. The rarity, getting three in one frame, the distance away, and the distance off the ground up in the trees. It was well after dark, shooting max f-stop and zoom at a max 300mm for a 2 second exposure at 800 iso, on a monopod steadied against a nearby fence. After the fact, I found I actually over exposed a little bit, but all in all I can’t complain too much about the clarity and sharpness of the focus.
Umber Eyed Bird
I had this one sitting on the back burner, frankly, because I wasn’t really happy with the clarity of the shot. I’ve got my excuses, low light, long zoom, heavy processing, etc. Even still, when I went back for a second look, I decided that it was better than I remembered, and the contrast of the birds umber eye helped to make the shot worthy of presentation.
Long Legged Birds
On one of my ventures into the backwoods and backwaters of the Tennessee River, I came upon these birds ambling around in the shallow waters. Maybe because of global warming, it has been reported that certain types of water birds, similar to these, have been seen in the North Alabama area where they had not been seen before.
Slum Lords Of Huntsville: The Central Bank Parking Deck
Not really paying attention to much of anything, I was suddenly alarmed by what I instinctively thought must have been a small bomb. I don’t remember exactly when all this occurred, excepting that it was not terribly long after 911 and I suppose my sensitivities where somewhat tuned to the new reality of “everything has changed.” When I looked up, almost right in front of me, just across the Big Spring canal and immediately beneath the Central Bank parking deck, there was a cloud of dust and what I first thought was smoke rising into the air.
Big Spring Iceberg
Photo Caption ICEBERG! I had to trudge through miles of arctic tundra, snow, blizzards, and sub-freezing temperatures to get this shot of an iceberg in Big Spring Park. But, it was worth it. I’ve always figured that if temperatures drop as low as 10°, then I am entitled to snow. Not this year, at least […]
Lemon Pepper Chicken
So, even though it clashes just a bit, you grab the quart bottle of Louisiana hot sauce for dipping the other breast.
NRA President David Keene Puts The 2nd Amendment On Slippery Slope
In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Says Obama Can Pay For Sandy Hook
And he’s exactly right. The freedom and independence, and unalienable rights, that are recognized by the constitution have already been paid for by far more and too much blood to be flushed down the toilet of histrionic socialists. In order to end WWII, the decision was made to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. […]
Growing Some Funky Chinese Onions
I would like to say that I truly appreciate the candor of my three subsidiaries: The New York Times (Chinese News Site Cites Onion On Kim Jong Un Piece), The Onion, and The People’s Daily, in further exposing the importance of my work. Satire is an important mechanism whereby intelligent people are challenged to review […]
Presidential Debate II
Tomorrow evening I will again be participating in the presidential debate, delivering my responses in real time via Twitter. @caseycampaign Be sure to tune in to the debate being broadcast on all major networks, and be prepared for anything! As you know, when Romney the bully threatened Big Bird, I fired off an exclamation: “WHEN […]