Finally, there are the religious cults who still believe in human sacrifice as a tenet of salvation. To them, their mea-culpa is their communion. As for me, I am Christian, and my God stated it fairly plainly. Jesus was the ONLY begotten son of God.
Tag: Privacy
The Arrogance Of The Privacy Invaders – Zuckerberg And Google
Talk about a case of the pot calling the kettle black. The arrogance of the techno privacy invaders is the real story here.
Rainbow Borg Uniformity Swallows Independence And Individualism
So, bitch, bitch, bitch, didn’t all them slaves bitch about broke up families and sending they baybee to be raised by someone else…
The Incarnate Evil Of Google
Google’s long held mantra of “do no evil” would seem laughable except that the breach of privacy is so egregious. Instead, I would refer to Google as incarnate evil – and already have.
The Return Of Sputnik | A Letter To Mr. Putin
Edward Snowden is A Hero Get Over It And Let It Go
911 is over, ever’thing ain’t changed much. Get over it and let it go.
Edward Snowden American Hero & Whistle Blower Charged With Espionage
All the basic principles of good government, good media, and good citizenship are being turned upside down by obvious and glaring conflicts of interest.
Digital Revolution | Life Is Good, Then Again Maybe Not
Roberts Supreme Court Advances Ethnic Cleansing Under Obamacare
God bless Angelina Jolie if she wants to cut ‘em off to avoid a problem down the road. But would you have made the same decision?
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Says Obama Can Pay For Sandy Hook
And he’s exactly right. The freedom and independence, and unalienable rights, that are recognized by the constitution have already been paid for by far more and too much blood to be flushed down the toilet of histrionic socialists. In order to end WWII, the decision was made to drop nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. […]
Sandy Hook Tipping Point Constitutional Last Straw
Make no mistake. I am grieved by the loss of the innocent children and adults in the Sandy Hook massacre. Never-the-less, there are many, many complex issues involved other than basic safety and gun control – which are NOT synonymous. The attack on “disturbed” individuals is disturbing since the profile is arbitrary to begin with, […]
Illegal Search And Siezure Of Texts By Law Enforcement
When I first noticed these illegal trends by “law enforcement” several years ago, I thought it was some kind of joke. You know, a training program about important values in our country, like a continuing adult education program. After awhile, the reality sank in deeper and deeper. Big Brother is playing no game. The attack […]