The bottom line is that the Huntsville / WellStone “partnership” will only make matters worse by caramelizing the real problems. And worse yet, the WellStone “partnership” sets the stage for more human rights violations and constitutional erosion.
Tag: Privacy
The Towering Little Richard – RIP
“Julian Assange doesn’t have a constitutional right to hack Pentagon emails” – Wait, Whut?
So, what are you going to call Julian Assange, a journalist, a publisher, a spy, a mercenary, a soldier? And what about Chelsea Manning and American hero Edward Snowden?
The Dareby Derby Shootout At 6409 Dare Aimus
Charlottesville !!! It’s About The Constitution Stupid !
And for Mr. Trump, I’ve stated my opinion that the monuments should be moved. Beyond that, I can’t possibly see how you could have handled the situation in Charlottesville any better. You’ve got my approval rating for this one.
COMPLICITYGATE: Donald Trump’s International Coronation – Expensive But Unavoidable
The use of chemical weapons in Syria has been a dirty, nasty, barbaric business and I’m one that doesn’t believe in “blood sacrifice” to start with. As far as I’m concerned, two percent snuff is still 98% too much – whatever that means. What I do know for sure is that Kim Jung’un has the capability, or very soon will, to summarily obliterate hundreds of millions of lives in the United States – and to quite literally wipe cities like New York completely off of the map. North Korea continues to be defiant against the International community – how strong is too much when major American cities are at stake?
The Super Bowl Of Fascism
Nothing has changed. Selfish, greedy, miopic, children have taken over a new playground because their selfish, greedy, miopic and decadent parents don’t mind flushing down the toilet bowl all that blood and sacrifice that gave them liberty, freedom, privacy, and the other constitutional rights that made it all possible.
Trump The Debate Leader
The media pundits continue to speak out of both sides of their mouths as they declare on one hand that Donald Trump has struck a chord and is invigorating previously disenfranchised voters, while still claiming he is unfit, unworthy, inappropriate, can’t be taken seriously, doesn’t represent… ad nauseum.
Who Is Parker Griffith?
People who sell out and become the wolf in sheep’s clothing usually have trouble drawing a line when it comes to morality, ethics, and individual rights and independence. Who is Parker Griffith? If you’re a liberal democrat, you might want to take a closer look at the political car he’s selling – I think maybe there’s some sawdust in the transmission.
45 Years Houston, Or Is It Capricorn One?
BREAKING NEWS: Yard Abatement Last Straw
The scuttlebutt on the streets is that City and State officials have had it. This mayhem must be stopped! Reports at this time indicate that a contingency of armored vehicles has been commissioned from Redstone Arsenal with backup to arrive from Ft. McClellan within the week. Residents will be asked to move, and if they refuse, their homes will be bulldozed while they are still inside.
Diplomatic Communique By Jim Casey
This statement is predicated upon the assumption that the reader will already have benefited from an explanatory briefing, and who will thereby share a mutual understanding without additional references. However, the use of the word “legend” in recent media releases to describe this office is in context a grandiose misnomer that would be better articulated as “diplomatic interpreter.”