Tag: President

Building Walls And Fences

With all this TOCC about building a wall between the US and Mexico, I thought I might have a few examples that the next president might want to consider before getting started. This photo gallery consists of images, a few of which have been seen on TOCC TV before, that are mostly unremarkable except that they have some detail or an aura that makes them somewhat interesting in their own right. Click for a larger image.

Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump

Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump has been working overtime. First, he threatened to call a meeting of the second amendment people to facilitate a resolve to the situation with Hillary. Then, he started talking about some sort of orderly plan based on bad Mexican people vs. ok Mexican people vs. good Mexican people to determine which ones and how many at a time will be thrown back over the new wall – once it’s built – that Mexico is going to pay for. Then he stepped on some colored toes by explaining to the black folks that in many ways the democratic dynasty of JFK hasn’t exactly been a resounding success for them. Some of the black folks didn’t agree, but they didn’t hang around too long because they were out looking for a place to eat pizza.

A Rare Conundrum: No Justice Is Good Justice

The constitution is the infrastructure that paved the way, in spite of human corruption, to advance civil rights and social parity. Those who are drunk on their new found accountability cannot be allowed to throw the baby out with the bathwater because of the lingering chip on their shoulders – or their skewed perspective of a blustery politician.

The Fish Is Dead – Or Is It?

The death of Antonin Scalia certainly does add a new dimension to this presidential election. Obviously, the Republican candidates will say the next president, presumably one of their own, should appoint his replacement. But, even if congress can stall for an entire year, can Trump really be trusted to make the appointment? Even though I […]

The New Hampshire Primary And The Dearth – Thank God – Of Feminazism

So, what is a feminazi anyway? Well, for those none-the-wiser, the feminazi’s are a hard core bunch of bull-dike females who broke loose the chains of genteel, princess-like womanhood to morph, not unlike the Hulk, into the she-male leaders of the not exactly human Bonobo monkey tribe. They specialized, during their hey-day, in the sometimes abusive indoctrination of innocent young children into their anti-procreation doctrine sometimes referred to as “Fifty ways to kill your baby.” These pants wearing she-males don’t make Planned Parenthood videos, no siree, they cut to the chase and instead of Fruit-loops or Cheerios, they eat baby parts for breakfast. They are the most extreme of cultural icons, who spearheaded the “pro-choice” movement.