Tag: Constitutional Rights

Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many

The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]


Tomorrow, Sunday evening Sept. 23, 60 Minutes is supposed to have the Two Buffoons in two separate interviews. I plan to Twitter in real-time to the questions and the Two Buffoons’ responses. It should be interesting. Join me here:Jim Casey Campaign Twitter Updates I also plan to participate in the debate coming up. That should be really interesting. And […]

Presidential Reality Check

The reality is, you have been lied to by both major political parties. Understanding what is important in this election depends on understanding what is real, and what is true. The United States economy is in decline. The fact is, since the inevitable lowering of trade barriers decades ago through NAFTA and GATT, jobs in […]

Freedom Of Speech

The uprisings in Libya that left US Ambassador Chris Stevens dead are said to have been because of Islamic sensitivities over an Internet video satire of Moohamad produced by an American. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to believe that the problem lies in the unalienable right of freedom of speech as recognized by the […]