Today I’m on the road somewhere in North Carolina. Since I’m not back home in Alabama, I didn’t vote. But make no mistake, I wouldn’t have voted either way.
Tag: Constitution
The Eleventh Commandment: Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry Is A Nut
We’ve been through this Ten Commandments stuff already. Hell, I even saw the movie version with Chuck Heston. But, why do we have to revisit the commandment of Church and State separation?
Happy Anniversary TOCC.TV !!!
MSM/Sandy Hook “Pay To Play” Destroys Constitutional Governance
$1 billion levied against Alex Jones for exercising 1st amendment rights portends a bellwether of censorship ushering in big brother and religious cult authoritarianism.
Bicentennial Park And More Downtown Attractions In Huntsville
This live stream walkabout focuses on downtown attractions in Huntsville and includes construction progress on the new Municipal building, as well as attractions including HSV Bicentennial Park, Early Works Museum, Constitution Village, Tallulah Bankhead birthplace, Harrison Brothers Hardware, First National Bank and more!
To Hell With The Affidavit; Let’s See The Documents
…the affidavit and the documents should be released in full to the public for public scrutiny and prosecution of the illegal activity that would be exposed.
This is a glorious day for the people of the United States. Many unborn lives will be saved, and even more after more restrictive legislation is handed down. Everything has changed. Everyone should accept the new reality so that everyone can enjoy this wonderful moment together. Unity is so important. I know many people are upset but universal acceptance of the new reality will lead to a happier America that we can all be proud of.
Anti 2nd Amendment Demonstration In Huntsville
The so-called “March For Our Lives” protestors convened in Big Spring Park this morning marching around town and back again chanting and displaying posters.
Alex Jones Owes Nothing To Sandy Hook
If the families of the victims really want vindication for the loss of their little darlings, they would be supporting Alex Jones and his attempt to expose the conspiracy of carnage in the first place.
A Reckoning With TOCC TV
In the 25 years I have practiced journalism I have NEVER been in association with religious cults. However, I have been attacked and manipulated by their organized crime families which is a violation of my human rights, my rights as a journalist and my personal religious beliefs also recognized by the US Constitution.