It now appears that Bruce was looking forward to the conspiracy event, of which I had no knowledge, the Lee Bus crash, and wanted to derail my candidacy in order to paint me into a villainous box. He would be the hero, or the anti-hero, depending on your moral and ethical take on the conspiracy and blood sport. He must have been thinking, if he could only take the reigns he would get credit in the Butler vs. Lee “game.” Of course, conspiracy to commit murder is not a game, and while I am fully aware there are those who get a kick and a chuckle out of such things, I am not, have never been, and would never want there to be room for me among those barbaric cretins.
Tag: Child Molestation
R.I.P. Glenn Allen Koch, Sr. 1953 – 2015
Racism And Discrimination Under Colors Of Law
There’s a joke to it. What’s white and black and blue all over? Well, there’s white and black racism, and discrimination based on the blue color of law. Although, Brett Russell do look a little red-bone. Then the joke would be what’s black and white and red all over – making it a newspaper joke. In a way, it’s a little like the Is’s pledge of allegiance – corroborating the international terrorism connection. Hoo ha !!! Won’t it be interesting to see how long John Lee Bullard goes to jail – for compulsory medication by Novocaine – compared to the two dirtbags. Joke’s not that funny, but then, I’m not a newspaper man, I’m a journalist.
EXPOSÉ | Profile: Loretta Spencer
Loretta was in fact largely motivated by the extremist in the feminist movement. Most folks are familiar with the highly charged rhetoric in the abortion debate. Pro-choice women are often referred to as “femi-nazis” by pro-life advocates. While the rhetoric is sincere in it’s own context, few would expect that “femi-naziism” would extend beyond the abortion debate to actually include holocaust, genocide, eugenics, and ethnic cleansing – of people already born.
EXPOSÉ | The Huntsville Neo-Nazi Consortium
In fact, although it’s occurrence is years after the original publication of the Exposé, and therefore a testament to the scope of the Consortium, there is little doubt that that the premeditated murder of US Diplomat and Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, is directly related to Huntsville on several levels. In fact, it’s very likely that the Consortium is also directly related to one time Huntsville resident and UAH professor, and Deputy and almost Prime Minister of Libya, Mustafa Abushagur.
A Very Bad Cop
Alabama Thwarts Codependent Enablers Of Child Molestation And Torture
It is a shame and fundamentally wrong that innocent people are often caught in the shuffle when a necessary correction is made to services that have been abused and exploited. Never-the-less, the system of human trafficking that is rooted in Huntsville City Schools and facilitated by child molestation and torture, has been largely dependent on various psychiatric and social services, many provided on the state level, to absorb the collateral damage when individuals resist and refuse to cooperate with the heinous methods of organized crime, and as related to human trafficking, racketeering and (neo-nazi style) methods of extermination.
Gabby Giffords Kool
Charlie Bo Bo – We Be Cool Too!
Mark Roberts Delivers Mea-Culpa For Chief Lewis Morris
While the TV advertisement is for a texting app, there does seem to be some overtures and inuendo that answers and/or offers mea-culpa for my allegations. Either way, it’s just another extraordinary show of arrogance and inappropriate behaviour discussed in the previous column. Move over Ferguson, he comes Huntsville…
Tommy Battle, Lewis Morris And Systemic Municipal Corruption
That a jailer can’t see someone is dying because it’s too expensive to bother with, that a poorly trained police officer finds it more efficient to kill someone wielding a knife because it’s “in accordance with Departmental policies,” and he can get away with it, that gang violence in the jail can go totally unchecked allowing an innocent victim to be brutally murdered, that the promotion of Lewis Morris Jr. actually stands as an endorsement of child molestation and torture… are all the exemplary results of the attitude that Tommy Battle embraces.
A Terrorist Organization – The Interfaith Mission Service – IMS
I regard the IMS as a proactive terrorist organization and I have witnessed those associated to that organizational structure involved directly or as accessories in several illegal activities: conspiracy, child molestation, torture, coercion, identity theft, human trafficking, extortion, racketeering, and with deliberately attendant political propagandizing – what amounts to domestic terrorism.