Alabama Thwarts Codependent Enablers Of Child Molestation And Torture

The State of Alabama recently announced the closure of Decatur Regional hospital and, now following closely behind, has announced the closure of Alabama Psychiatric Services throughout the state of Alabama. Some reports indicate that “hundreds of thousands” of people may be affected. The closures are apparently largely due to changes in the unavailability of insurance brought about by the advent of Obamacare.

It is a shame and fundamentally wrong that innocent people are often caught in the shuffle when a necessary correction is made to services that have been abused and exploited. Never-the-less, the system of human trafficking that is rooted in Huntsville City Schools and facilitated by child molestation and torture, has been largely dependent on various psychiatric and social services, many provided on the state level, to absorb the collateral damage when individuals resist and refuse to cooperate with the heinous methods of organized crime, and as related to human trafficking, racketeering and (neo-nazi style) methods of extermination.

The City of Huntsville will now rightly be responsible for those cases, as well as those who legitimately need social and psychiatric services, and who may not otherwise have access to insurance and medical care. Hopefully, the City of Huntsville and it’s agencies will step to the plate to accept what is their responsibility to begin with, recognizing and compensating the victims and, offering compassion and services to those who are in need, as opposed to seeking additional arcane and draconian methods intended to impose inappropriate punitive consequences, and other methods of human disposal, which are calculated based primarily on economic efficiency.

It is unfortunate, and inappropriate, that these benchmark changes have been punctuated by extolling the “virtues” of Jim Hudson, and by a changing of the guard in Huntsville’s homeless “advocacy” as noted by the arrival of former Madison County democratic committee chair Clete Wetli who now functions at the Executive Director of First Stop while he continues to muster Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign machine through his writings for – which are often well-meaning but woefully juvenile, short sighted, and out-of-context.

Together in context, Jim Hudson and Clete Wetli amount to a neo-nazi threat of ethnic cleansing and holocaust, through genetic engineering and abortion metaphors, as a solution to all psychiatric disorders and all homelessness that are both hateful in tone and pollyannish in expectation. The fact is, the maladies don’t always go together and are ultimately part of a deliberate global business model that provides both a threat to potential labor resistance and easy cash flow based on malfeasance and the exploitation of victims. “Perfection” and it’s theoretic efficiency will never be achieved, unless greed and decadence are first eradicated.

First Stop is both an agency of the City of Huntsville, and an agency of the Interfaith Mission Service (IMS), and is therefore a of violation of Church and State separation. The IMS is a large organization with many wealthy Churches who could easily afford to provide the additional funding, right here at home, that are needed to provide for the basic human needs of their clients, including day to day personal needs, housing, social services, and psychiatric services.

The City of Huntsville, although a perpetrator, has never stepped up to their (corporate) responsibility for the victims or those less fortunate, instead passing the buck to the state agencies already mentioned. Regardless of how the organization of First Stop is manifested in the future, First Stop and the City of Huntsville now have a vested interest in facilitating the well-being of all Huntsville’s citizens, as opposed to further complicating the human disposal system that ultimately comes with expensive back-end costs on the state and federal side.

As noted, the City of Huntsville and IMS First Stop have already insinuated inappropriate, negative, hateful, and overly politicized intentions in regard to handling the changes and problems they now find themselves facing. The IMS First Stop is primarily an advocacy for homeless people, and would do a better job simply learning to tend to short term and intermediate needs rather than attempting to facilitate a grandiose routing system, an extension of human trafficking by definition in many cases, which is easily exploited and abused both at the expense of the individual and the community.

It doesn’t take an over-educated, overpaid case manager with a master’s degree to make coffee, hand out toothpaste, point in the direction of HUD, the food stamp office, and the mental health center; or to distribute canned goods, sleeping bags, tents, propane – or even tiny homes. Clete Wetli is well known for his magnanimous chatter, however, when asked to disclose his own income in the interest of transparency, both he and the IMS have refused to respond.

For those reasons, it is my opinion that Clete Wetli should step down as the Executive Director of IMS First Stop, and that the City of Huntsville should withhold any additional funding to First Stop until Mr. Wetli has been replaced. I feel confident that Mr. Wetli would be well received and much happier if he were to be occupied managing Hillary’s campaign somewhere other than the “deeply conservative” state of Alabama. Perhaps Atlanta, Chicago or New York would welcome his ultra-liberal neo-nazi perspective.

Thereafter, it is obviously in the best interest of the City of Huntsville to provide additional funding for those agencies and entities that already exist, and who are better suited to facilitate more advanced social services for those who may be affected by the closure of the state facilities.

DISCLOSURE: I am a previously elected member of the Madison County Republican Executive Committee. However, I publicly denounced and renounced the Republican party, both locally and nationally, when they began to careen into cut-throat neo-nazi extremism during George W. Bush’s first presidential campaign more than fifteen years ago. However, I am conservative, and not in alignment with current democratic ultra extremism, describing myself instead as independent.

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