Tag: Atlanta

Alabama Thwarts Codependent Enablers Of Child Molestation And Torture

It is a shame and fundamentally wrong that innocent people are often caught in the shuffle when a necessary correction is made to services that have been abused and exploited. Never-the-less, the system of human trafficking that is rooted in Huntsville City Schools and facilitated by child molestation and torture, has been largely dependent on various psychiatric and social services, many provided on the state level, to absorb the collateral damage when individuals resist and refuse to cooperate with the heinous methods of organized crime, and as related to human trafficking, racketeering and (neo-nazi style) methods of extermination.

Elton in Huntsville & Oklahoma City

The photos of Elton John were taken at the
Myriad in Oklahoma City on October 30, 1999. Elton’s temper tantrums are legendary amoung insiders, but it rarely ever shows in public. Click thru to see the star in rare form, the crowd rapturous with applause, he approached the front of the stage – without microphone – and bellowed out: “Here I am, come and get me you Son of a BITCH!”

Rocker Say No!

It is almost incomprehensible. It is so far beyond the pale, that it is unbelievable. It is dangerous. Really dangerous. And yet, where are the outraged fans, community groups, mental health advocates, and church leadership? (72 KB midi file / 5 min. 18 sec. audio) Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker raises a defient fist to […]