Today I’m on the road somewhere in North Carolina. Since I’m not back home in Alabama, I didn’t vote. But make no mistake, I wouldn’t have voted either way.
Tag: Affirmative Action
A Benchmark Dog And Pony Show
The show must go on and after all, the choreography and theatre in this one is bound to soften the heart and beg for a sense of humor from liberals and conservatives alike.
Rogue House Members Attempting To Oust Marjorie Taylor Greene
A lack of real world experience doesn’t make for good governance and we will all be better off if the media stops combing the witches hair.
Trump Impeachment Is Tantamount To Sedition
Pelosi’s supposed motivation is clearly to deny Mr. Trump the opportunity to run for office again in four years. Tantamount to an overthrow and sedition.
Goodbye Super Tuesday
The vociferous democratic field dropped like flies onto Joe Honeyboos head. Now, what about Bernie Sanders?
Here’s My Mid Term Analysis
The Alabama Governor’s Race… More Corruption
The race for Alabama governor has shaped up true to form into just another dog and pony show with incumbent Kay Ivey looking like a female carbon copy of Roy Moore.
President Donald J Trump Delivers Reality Check In A Unifying Address
Even still, many of my generation correctly see the impositions of the Kennedy dynasty, however necessary or justified, as an unofficial system of marshal law. And the fact is, so much was accomplished from that time through methods that could never stand the light of day, and in fact were, and still are brazenly unconstitutional. In a way, it’s no wonder that many colored folks have no respect for the constitution.
The TOCC TV Endorsement: What The F*ing Trump ?!!
TOCC TV endorses The Jim Casey Write-In campaign !!! I listened this morning to some of Trump’s “pivot” speech explaining his first 100 days in office, and while I didn’t agree with everything he put forth, I wondered as did the radio commentators, why he hadn’t taken this different approach six weeks ago. And I […]
The Rigged Affirmative Action Election
The media certainly does have a penchant for acting dumb, especially when it comes to important issues and rigged elections. Donald Trump continues to tell the voters and the media that the election is rigged. And it is, by Donald Trump. The reality is, the republicans played their game to posture Donald Trump as Hillary’s […]
Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump
Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump has been working overtime. First, he threatened to call a meeting of the second amendment people to facilitate a resolve to the situation with Hillary. Then, he started talking about some sort of orderly plan based on bad Mexican people vs. ok Mexican people vs. good Mexican people to determine which ones and how many at a time will be thrown back over the new wall – once it’s built – that Mexico is going to pay for. Then he stepped on some colored toes by explaining to the black folks that in many ways the democratic dynasty of JFK hasn’t exactly been a resounding success for them. Some of the black folks didn’t agree, but they didn’t hang around too long because they were out looking for a place to eat pizza.
Trump Must Resort To Stratagem
If Trump does rig the election for Hillary to be the first woman president, damage will be out of control – just like Hillary.