Even still, I shudder to think of a two sided world where NATO is the only answer to China.
The United States Should Not Be In Submission To Beijing; Not Even For The Olympics
Participating in the Beijing Olympics while Covid is still raging all over the world is exactly like it would have been to go to the Olympics in Nazi Germany in the middle of WWII…
My Statement On Ms Amy Coney Barrett
The Corona Virus Panic Pandemic
Is The Impeachment Chinese Warfare?
“Julian Assange doesn’t have a constitutional right to hack Pentagon emails” – Wait, Whut?
So, what are you going to call Julian Assange, a journalist, a publisher, a spy, a mercenary, a soldier? And what about Chelsea Manning and American hero Edward Snowden?
President Donald J Trump Delivers Reality Check In A Unifying Address
Even still, many of my generation correctly see the impositions of the Kennedy dynasty, however necessary or justified, as an unofficial system of marshal law. And the fact is, so much was accomplished from that time through methods that could never stand the light of day, and in fact were, and still are brazenly unconstitutional. In a way, it’s no wonder that many colored folks have no respect for the constitution.
Nuclear Holocaust: Grups vs Youngens – Buy The Book !!!
So, if you followed that line of thinking so far, you’re probably a Grup, at which point you’re probably dissing this non-sense because it must be about toccin’ to the Youngens. If that’s what you are thinking, you are wrong. In fact, my pollyannish satirical diatribes are almost always directed at the Grups. No, I do not live in Birmingham, I know Michael Jackson is dead, and I don’t think Bernie Sanders is all that clever.
Loretta Spencer’s Obsession With Jim Hudson And Ethnic Cleansing
Jim Hudson’s family is well known by the state of New York for their barbaric, cruel, and inhumane experimentation on unsuspecting human guinea pigs often leaving them impaired and permanently dysfunctional invalids.
Hillary The Mommy God Wants Mr. Trump To Make Nice
Apparently, little Miss Mommy God Hillary wants to wipe little Mr. Trumps bottom with the constitution before she flushes it down the toilet. It’s time for the naive, histrionic, knee-jerk political posturing to come to an end. IT’S ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION STUPID !!!
R.I.P. Glenn Allen Koch, Sr. 1953 – 2015
Jimmy Jackson The Mouthpiece Of Whitesburg Baptist
I stand by my remarks because I believe so many pastors and Church’s have taken “preaching to itching ears” to a new level. And frankly, the jingoism is dangerous.