There is something just plain wrong with the people attacking their own countrymen in this way. If this is the only way they can advance their agenda and their system, can it really be a good thing?
Tag: Jihad
My Statement On Afghanistan Exit
Thank you to our American service members for a job well done and to President Joe Biden for his sense of resolve and accumen for completing the mission.
Turmoil In Afghanistan; Confusion On The Homefront
In 20 years the US has bent over backwards bastardizing the system destroying liberty and independence in many areas – just exactly what the terrorists wanted.
Huntsville “Co-Response Plan” Another Brick In The Wall Of Borg
The bottom line is that the Huntsville / WellStone “partnership” will only make matters worse by caramelizing the real problems. And worse yet, the WellStone “partnership” sets the stage for more human rights violations and constitutional erosion.
Just Say NO To Seduction By The Parkland Social Bullies
Unethical Conservatism – Senate Votes To Confirm Haspel As CIA Director
The Contemptible Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Going Down Again
Dear “Christian” Alabamian, please take off your shoes and socks and stick your toes out in front of a vehicle rolling by on the street. I only hope I can offend the morons that much who actually voted to return Roy Moore to office after he had been removed the first time. This argument comes up over and over again, and it truly is tiresome, but some people just don’t get it. It isn’t about your faith, it isn’t about whether or not you are a Christian, it isn’t about whether or not you agree with same sex marriage. It’s about the constitution stupid.
American Jihad : Radicalized Law Enforcement
Unfortunately, the radicalization of American police will contribute more harm to the “war on terror” than they will help. Ultimately, the extremists in law enforcement intend to advance their own radical, unconstitutional, agenda and while they may not be in immediate agreement with the Islamic style radicals, they are often on a path that is parallel.
The Solidarity Of Law Enforcement Jihad | Tamir Rice : Nothing But A Gooked Up Piece Of Shit
Another Loudmouth Sheriff Thinks He’s A Clever Smartass
Not unlike smart-ass Harris County Texas Sheriff Ron Hickman who convicted the suspect before he was even apprehended ( see the article below “Darren Goforth dTIRRd By Miles & Miles & Miles | Pigs Don’t Learn” ), Sheriff Hanlin has already got it all figured out. Within two days of what was indeed a horrific massacre in Umpqua Oregon, without being able to talk to Chris Harper Mercer – because he is dead – while his family, all the students, and all he community is still in shock – this smart ass sheriff KNOWS everything there is to know, has convicted Harper of mental illness, and declared him to be “unrecognizable.”
Confederate General Jeff Sessions Fires A Shot Across The Bow | Don’t Touch My Soldiers !!!
The problem that intelligent and well-informed people face in Alabama, is that there are still plenty of rural places tucked away up in the holler where Johnny still hasn’t traveled farther from home than he has to go to fetch a bucket of water from the well. Even though this observation is quite literally true, it is just as unfortunate that it is also metaphorically true, and so extends to what otherwise appears to be “normal” people living in places like Huntsville. The fact is, the South ain’t gonna “rise again” in the sense that seems to motivate the cretins – that South simply don’t exist, that South was an entirely different animal whose politics and plantations are extinct.
One In A Million: Billion Dollar Sky
As is my custom, I am again presenting this page in regard to the 911 attack on America. As you will see, I’ve got a bit of a rebuke for the think straight sinners who sometimes don’t seem to see the whole picture. One In A Million: Billion Dollar Sky Just this week, Islamic jihad […]