Tag: Hitler

EXPOSÉ | The Huntsville Neo-Nazi Consortium

In fact, although it’s occurrence is years after the original publication of the Exposé, and therefore a testament to the scope of the Consortium, there is little doubt that that the premeditated murder of US Diplomat and Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, is directly related to Huntsville on several levels. In fact, it’s very likely that the Consortium is also directly related to one time Huntsville resident and UAH professor, and Deputy and almost Prime Minister of Libya, Mustafa Abushagur.

Jim Casey’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

These three tectonic events indicate massive cultural changes that are inevitable and irreversible, and a prelude to the next five hundred years, and beyond, when human kind will be forced to grapple with even more sweeping tectonic changes that will include an acceleration of major population shifts from coastal areas. These changes will elicit critical and difficult challenges in producing and maintaining the natural resources requisite to the very survival of Man – including the fundamental basics of water and food.

Jim’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead

The apocalypse has apparently begun in earnest, as the leader of the flat earth society, Pope Frank, recently broke earth shaking ground in an unprecedented manner recognizing the immanent nature of global warming. And, in the wake of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Hood that left nine black people dead at the Emanuel AME […]