Thank you for joining me in last night’s debate. I am pleased to announce, based on arbitrary polling by JIM CASEY WON THE DEBATE! ABOUT OBAMA Obama did what he’s been doing throughout the campaign. He stayed back, stayed cool, carried the ball, and let Romney take enough rope to hang himself – which […]
Tag: Economy
Presidential Reality Check
The reality is, you have been lied to by both major political parties. Understanding what is important in this election depends on understanding what is real, and what is true. The United States economy is in decline. The fact is, since the inevitable lowering of trade barriers decades ago through NAFTA and GATT, jobs in […]
Jim Casey Participates In Historic Debate
Jim Casey Participates In Historic Debate By JIM CASEY July 17, 2012 Jim Casey’s participation in the October 3rd presidential debate turned out to be historic for more than one reason. On this page below you will see all of the responses Jim Casey tweeted in real time during the debate. And of course, by […]
There was a reason why it was called “Independence Day,” aka the 4th of July. In the beginning, the American colonies got together and decided they didn’t much care for the oppressive tyranny of the English Crown and King George. Thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives so that we might live independently. And, incidentally, […]
Contemptuous Healthcare Boondoggle
Frankly, I haven’t finished reading my 25,800 page copy of the Affordable Healthcare Act, much less the equally voluminous Supreme Court decision upholding most of the controversial law. Even still – IT STINKS! Look at it this way. If Congress had raised taxes across the board and then said, “we will give you a tax […]
Ain’t Importing Slaves Already Illegal?
Obama’s Wetback Folly
Incidentally, I consider illegal immigration a hate crime against black men. It seems to me that Obama placed the fatal bullet in his own foot when he endorsed gay marriage. It was said he capitulated because he needed the money, from suspect sources, for the campaign. Suspect sources, Mitt Romney’s bosses too, are the aristocrats […]
Obama’s Wetback Folly
Incidentally, I consider illegal immigration a hate crime against black men. It seems to me that Obama placed the fatal bullet in his own foot when he endorsed gay marriage. It was said he capitulated because he needed the money, from suspect sources, for the camping. Suspect sources, Mitt Romney’s bosses too, are the aristocrats […]
Thirty Pesos For Grinch
I have to admit I was a little surprised this week when Alabama voted for Rick Santorum. It was only in the last two weeks that he showed himself to be a religious nutcase when he challenged remarks by John F. Kennedy asserting separation of church and state, and his disinclination to take orders from […]
One In A Million Billion Dollar Sky
LISTEN TO BILLION DOLLAR SKY IN MY FINEST RENDITION OF FARSEE One can little argue that the impact of the Trade Center bombings in New York on September 11 was felt by, and ultimately impacted, all Americans in some way. If you didn’t know someone who was killed in one of the towers, or […]
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P2
Delusion Is Done
Feminists Served Notice The break down of the American family is a problem that everyone will eventually reap the consequences of. Kids, especially young children, are more grounded and more secure when they have that contact with their mother in the nurturing years. Kids who grow up latchkey are more prone to violence and to […]