Obama’s Wetback Folly

Incidentally, I consider illegal immigration a hate crime against black men.

It seems to me that Obama placed the fatal bullet in his own foot when
he endorsed gay marriage. It was said he capitulated because he needed
the money, from suspect sources, for the camping.

Suspect sources, Mitt Romney’s bosses too, are the aristocrats who
control politics and know fully well seducing Obama to alienate
conservative black folks will cost him votes – and I think the

With the unemployment rate so high, twice as high for black men, how
could anyone agree with costly illegal immigration? The recession
still in full swing, and a cooling economy, with threats on the Euro’s
horizon, supply and demand surely means the labor market will remain
suppressed, even without the illegal foreign nationals, for months
even years to come.

In a deft, unethical, backhanded move, Obama has decided to show his
“humanitarian” side by allowing only the cream of the wetback crop to
stay in the US to work. They are desirable.

Them old yard n’s will continue to pay for it though, as the uppity
supply side of Reagan’s trickle down theory will exert more unfair
pressure on the labor markets. Or stated colloquially with an ethnic
cleansing universtal healthcare slurry, “de shit roll on down de hill.”

I say, I think he’s delivered his own walking papers. No wonder Nazi
Bastard Mitt Romney is being nonchalant while Obama cultivates
backhanded fascism and sets the stage for the original master of
universtal healthcare.

Maybe I’m being unfair. It could be Obama thinks slave quarters on the
back forty of masser’s plantation is better than burial trenches…
for now.

(c) 2012 – Jim Casey
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