What is naive, is to think the US government is unaware and unable to stop terrorism before it happens. Donald J. Trump admitted he knew about 911, but people still don’t seem to get it. Terrorism is planned decades in advance. The ONLY way to end the terrorism facilitated by a government, CIA, FBI and MIC that are already radicalized and ultra-extreme is to stop voting for the establishment radicals – whether they are career politicians or not.
Tag: Cult
Time For The Deep End Dump Trump | What Next?
So, Trump’s mockery of republican extremism has now come home, and frankly, Hillaryous just got elected. (Rand Paul…) But listen, can you really vote for… that? I’m not saying Hillary Clinton should be viewed as a referendum on abortion, which it is. I’m saying Hillary Clinton should be viewed as a referendum on feminazzism, which she is, and we cannot under any circumstances afford the hate mongering of a racist aristocratic place keeper like Hillaryous.
The Flawed Character Of Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz
Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz – revered by the community as a hero and all around everyman, it now turns out the dirtbag committed suicide because he was stealing and laundering money from community programs. Yeah buddy, cop lives matter all right.
What About Kenneth Shipp?
I’m surprised that Shipp’s attorney’s didn’t pursue a temporary insanity defense. Although we know that the standard of insanity defense in the State of Alabama is so high, that it is virtually never successful. In my opinion, while Kenneth Shipp might have acted irresponsibly in some ways, and it does seem obvious that he picked up his gun and pulled the trigger, the aggravating circumstances add up to manslaughter and twenty years – not life in prison.
Jim Casey’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead
These three tectonic events indicate massive cultural changes that are inevitable and irreversible, and a prelude to the next five hundred years, and beyond, when human kind will be forced to grapple with even more sweeping tectonic changes that will include an acceleration of major population shifts from coastal areas. These changes will elicit critical and difficult challenges in producing and maintaining the natural resources requisite to the very survival of Man – including the fundamental basics of water and food.
Jim’s Encyclical | Better Off Dead
The apocalypse has apparently begun in earnest, as the leader of the flat earth society, Pope Frank, recently broke earth shaking ground in an unprecedented manner recognizing the immanent nature of global warming. And, in the wake of the Charleston S.C. massacre by Dylann Hood that left nine black people dead at the Emanuel AME […]
A Very Bad Cop
Profile Of Indoctrination And Corruption: Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning
A cops job is dangerous. True enough. But, take another looks a the facts. Since 1880, 22 law enforcement officials have been killed in Madison County. In the last ten years alone, I’ve counted about 15 unnecessary deaths that were the result of jailer depravity, or excessive force by cops. A that rate, the cops have killed around 200 people – almost all of which were innocent or guilty of nothing serious. A track record of 22 cops to 200 innocent citizens isn’t very good. In fact, it’s goddamn unacceptable.
Marriage Is Obsolete – No More Two For One Benefit Discount For Breeders
What about the Mormon’s? Ain’t they a group? That old bigamy trick isn’t exactly new in the annals of human history. I can’t really come up with a reason why equal protection, as described by Ginny Granade wouldn’t apply to group marriages as well. Since marriage doesn’t have to be about procreation, isn’t it possible to love more than one person at a time? Would Judge Ginny deny equal protection to group love? Ain’t she a good hippie?
The 2014 Summer Time Silly Season
Chris Christy. What’s up with the Disco Fever thing? If he’s trying to move past the bridge debacle, and critical observations about his obesity, I don’t think bouncing around on stage like a beach ball in heat is gonna do it.