The west coast sweep, apparently a well orchestrated and illegal conspiracy by those municipalities, appeared to begin in Seattle, Washington … in a camp where two people were killed on the same evening of the mayor’s announcement.
Tag: Alabama
U.S. District Judge Madeline Haikala Hughes To Rout Out Madison Caliphate
This is the very level of arrogance and corruption that has resulted in what is a law-enforcement crisis in this country. To wit – the Black Lives Matter movement. They have actually convinced themselves that they decide, not only how to enforce the law, but to make up the law according to their own agenda. They usually state their excuses for corruption something like this: “Everybody knows,” or “the way things really are,” or some other wink wink alibi.
All Politics Is Local – Except Birmingham
As Alabama gears up for Super Tuesday, the Alabama governor and legislature cheats working folks in Birminham out of a living wage, under the subterfuge.
Prosecuting SUPER COP !!! Ricky McCarver: Martyr For INJUSTICE
As for Police Officer Ricky McCarver, any nine year veteran police officer who is that stupid, or that incompetent, or who simply cannot control his own algirythms is simply not fit to be a police officer. Or, he is guilty of a subversive conspiracy to deny constitutional rights, false imprisonment, and a host of other illegal activity. Either way you look at it, Ricky McCarver needs to exit to find another job in a capacity that he can handle, maybe making car tags in the federal penitentiary.
Racism And Discrimination Under Colors Of Law
There’s a joke to it. What’s white and black and blue all over? Well, there’s white and black racism, and discrimination based on the blue color of law. Although, Brett Russell do look a little red-bone. Then the joke would be what’s black and white and red all over – making it a newspaper joke. In a way, it’s a little like the Is’s pledge of allegiance – corroborating the international terrorism connection. Hoo ha !!! Won’t it be interesting to see how long John Lee Bullard goes to jail – for compulsory medication by Novocaine – compared to the two dirtbags. Joke’s not that funny, but then, I’m not a newspaper man, I’m a journalist.
Umber Eyed Bird
I had this one sitting on the back burner, frankly, because I wasn’t really happy with the clarity of the shot. I’ve got my excuses, low light, long zoom, heavy processing, etc. Even still, when I went back for a second look, I decided that it was better than I remembered, and the contrast of the birds umber eye helped to make the shot worthy of presentation.
Long Legged Birds
On one of my ventures into the backwoods and backwaters of the Tennessee River, I came upon these birds ambling around in the shallow waters. Maybe because of global warming, it has been reported that certain types of water birds, similar to these, have been seen in the North Alabama area where they had not been seen before.
The Solidarity Of Law Enforcement Jihad | Tamir Rice : Nothing But A Gooked Up Piece Of Shit
Confederate General Jeff Sessions Fires A Shot Across The Bow | Don’t Touch My Soldiers !!!
The problem that intelligent and well-informed people face in Alabama, is that there are still plenty of rural places tucked away up in the holler where Johnny still hasn’t traveled farther from home than he has to go to fetch a bucket of water from the well. Even though this observation is quite literally true, it is just as unfortunate that it is also metaphorically true, and so extends to what otherwise appears to be “normal” people living in places like Huntsville. The fact is, the South ain’t gonna “rise again” in the sense that seems to motivate the cretins – that South simply don’t exist, that South was an entirely different animal whose politics and plantations are extinct.
When Police Become Enemy Combatants
I believe in the American dream, not the American delusion. If you were to examine the war crimes of Bashar al-Assad, who is little more than the mayor of a large American city, could you really tell the difference, conceptually, between his tactics and the ones outlined in the New York Times story? I certainly can’t. We are not yet in an all out war in this country, but if law enforcement is allowed to disregard constitutional values because they say they have cornered some bad guys, where will they stop if they hold an extremist sectarian view like Kim Davis and the TEA Party zealots? When do their tactics become enforcement of their agenda instead of legitimate law?
Eric Parker – Madison, Alabama Police Officer | Mistrial, Miscarriage, Gangland Thug
In Eric Parker’s trial, one or more moron’s refused to convict what was obvious at face value. Eric Parker used excessive and unnecessary force leaving the Indian Grandpa partially paralyzed. It is impossible to understand how a rational person could not find him guilty. Unfortunately, there are idiots who believe that their personal agenda is more important than legitimate due process.
Darren Goforth dTIRRd By Miles & Miles & Miles | Pigs Don’t Learn
In the months since Ferguson, we have seen countless police shoot and kill unarmed (black) men, and virtually the entire country has stated that the consistent excessive use of force is not ok. And yet, the response from law enforcement has been the same old excuses. Oh sure, under enormous public pressure, they did some restructuring in Ferguson. But everywhere else from New York, to Cleveland, and even Huntsville, the law enforcement response has been totally wrong, and totally lacking in contrition.