Category: Editorials


  This is the original Pi Clown. Pi Clown cannot be responsible for the posers that have been reeking havoc across the country recently. However, Pi Clown has a mind of his own, and not unlike Frankenstein, I can no longer control the monster I created. Be careful out there tonight, and watch out behind […]

Donald J Trump… YOU ARE FIRED !!!

Never-the-less, Trump just screwed the pooch and it cannot be overlooked or allowed. His failure to acknowledge the real issues, pandering instead the the already over militarized municipal police departments in this country, casts serious doubt over whether he really intends to fix the problems of economics, and i.e. classicism. In short, he no longer is the working man’s president – just a racist fascist. I am conservative, and I truly had hoped for better, but cannot accept that kind of garbage as my president.

Madison Police Cooking The Books And The Munchies

I am a native of Alabama, and so I fully understand some of the undertow of animosity and consternation that decent people in the South sometimes feel about a past that we did not participate in and had nothing to do with. As such, I am frankly disgusted and fed up with the “good ole boys” who still think they can turn the clock back 100 years to a time, a country, and a way of life that simply doesn’t exist. It’s obtuse.