Tag: Republicans

A Rare Conundrum: No Justice Is Good Justice

The constitution is the infrastructure that paved the way, in spite of human corruption, to advance civil rights and social parity. Those who are drunk on their new found accountability cannot be allowed to throw the baby out with the bathwater because of the lingering chip on their shoulders – or their skewed perspective of a blustery politician.

Hillaryous | Obama Radicalized, Seditious

What is naive, is to think the US government is unaware and unable to stop terrorism before it happens. Donald J. Trump admitted he knew about 911, but people still don’t seem to get it. Terrorism is planned decades in advance. The ONLY way to end the terrorism facilitated by a government, CIA, FBI and MIC that are already radicalized and ultra-extreme is to stop voting for the establishment radicals – whether they are career politicians or not.

Who Is Parker Griffith?

People who sell out and become the wolf in sheep’s clothing usually have trouble drawing a line when it comes to morality, ethics, and individual rights and independence. Who is Parker Griffith? If you’re a liberal democrat, you might want to take a closer look at the political car he’s selling – I think maybe there’s some sawdust in the transmission.

Old White Guys Reinvented

“Old White Guys” – sounds kinda racist, doesn’t it. For the record, I resent that term. Although I don’t affiliate with the Republican party, I am a white guy, but only considered old by half the population. There is much rhetoric these days about what the Republican party must do to reinvent itself to once […]