I was hoping President Trump would have Nancy Pilose arrested by Capital police as she took the gavel, ranting on the way down the Capital steps no doubt, and taken to Gitmo.
Tag: New Orleans
The Homeless War – In Your Own Backyard
NYPD Golden Wings Steal The Pigskin
And just one more thing. I like Henry Louis Gates and his remake of “Roots.” And, I know some people may not think he is European enough, never-the-less, he is my nomination to be the next Cuban Ambassador. Now, Cosmo and Steve Harvey are gonna start aksing funny too. The moral of the story is: ain’t nobody straight, if everybody be aksing funny.
King Duck Has Arrived!
The News Today About Tomorrow
A few weeks ago I published a column discussing the apocalyptic advance of all things digital. The column highlights the recent decision by the Huntsville Times to follow a three day hardcopy publishing schedule beginning sometime this fall. In the column I chastise The Huntsville Times and Al.com for being impetuous in their publishing decisions: […]
Huntsville’s Gestapo
Growing up and living in Huntsville I’ve always heard it said: The police department is a Gestapo. For the most part, I just figured someone who done something wrong and got caught had become disgruntled. Over the years, however, I have slowly, sadly, and surely come to another conclusion. That’s based on a couple of […]