Huntsville’s Gestapo

Growing up and living in Huntsville I’ve always heard it said: The
police department is a Gestapo. For the most part, I just figured
someone who done something wrong and got caught had become

Over the years, however, I have slowly, sadly, and surely come to
another conclusion. That’s based on a couple of my own skirmishes with
the Gestapo, and other reports that clearly indicate a systemic and
deeply ingrained “Billy Bad Ass” culture in HPD.

The excessive use of force has recurred in instances where an officer
needlessly shot and killed an individual wielding only a knife, and
when the officers had plenty of egress, and no other complications.
The rulings are always the same, the officer was within department
guidelines. Department guidelines are apparently shoot to kill and ask
questions later.

Oddly enough, the one instance I thought deadly force might have been
justified, a woman trying to run over police with an SUV at Madison
Square Mall, the officer was reprimanded for firing shots at the
reckless, deranged woman. Anyone in that parking lot, man, woman, or
child, walking or in a vehicle, were clearly in immediate danger.

Lately, Officer PJ Lee whooped up on a woman he pulled over in
Blossomwood for speeding when she didn’t hop to quick enough. The City
Council has decided to give PJ his job back after he takes anger
management classes. Excuse me, but doesn’t the gravity of the job
require screening and training prior to causing relatively innocent
people injury or death?

In light of the Gestapo’s systemic problems having already been
manifested, rehiring PJ is contraindicated and a breach of the trust
given by the people of Huntsville.

But, there seems to be more to it than that. The council members who
voted in favor of PJ’s reemployment were Bill Kling, John Olshefski
and… Richard Showers. Showers is 1 of 2 black council member and
has been the most vocal speaking out about Gestapo problems and
spearheading the inception of the (totally useless politically hand
picked) citizens advisory committee. Showers ought to be leading the
charge to clean out the Billy Bad Ass culture. Unfortunately, over
time, I have come to the conclusion that Showers is an overt, not just
a chip on the shoulder type, racist. It seems to me he is motivated by
one of two things. First, and least likely, he is indifferent because
PJ’s victim is a white woman. Most likely he has entered into an
agreement with the other two council members, based on race, to give a
black officer, also under review, his job back. Regardless of how that
plays out, it appears to me that all three have acted in conflict with
Huntsville’s best interest, and there seems to be an undertow of
personal favors, or unconstitutional political agendas involved. And,
it seems to inappropriately perpetuate and encourage an atmosphere of
blacks vs whites.

But, there’s still more to it. I have been the first to say that the
recently promoted police Chief Lewis Morris Jr. may very well be the
cat’s whiskers of law enforcement. It also seems that I am the first
and only former student of Madison Pike Elementary to blow the whistle
on child molestation at that school, where Lewis Morris Sr. was then
principle. The elementary school even bears his name: Morris
Elementary. Now, I’m a grown up, self-actualized, comfortable in my
own skin, and without conflicts of interest and I don’t need to
observe the cult of silence. And, I wouldn’t care to argue with the
silence or refutations of my little friends over their misperceptions,
or denials, in light of their conflicts of interests, bribes, and
rewards. I was not the only victim.

Aside from that, the simple truth is, a substantial number of people
in the community know fully well my allegations are true. Therefore,
promoting Lewis Morris Jr. is tantamount to an endorsement of child
molestation, and everybody knows it, including Mayor Tommy Battle –
whether they admit it or not.

In other words, a denigrative and abusive culture, having already
harmed children and potentially causing more injury, is being covered
up for politics and economics. If the pathology of abuse is somewhat
different, the cover-up is EXACTLY the same as Penn State and Joe
Paterno. Not kinda, sorta-like, maybe. Exactly the same. (And
literally in the NCAC’s own backyard.)

Little wonder, it all adds up. The City of Huntsville is suffering
from systemic and deeply ingrained corruption that manifests itself in
increasingly arrogant results and injuries… and especially as
evidenced in the Gestapo.

I’d like to say fire Tommy Battle. But I can’t, because there is no
viable candidate running against him. I have accused his main
contender, Loretta Spencer, of direct involvement in that molestation.
I will continue to stand my ground on those remarks.

In regard to Loretta Spencer, it seems to me it has always been
evident that there is something not quite right about her mentally.
Having attended several city council meetings during her reign of
terror, you could always see an ingrained tone that always seemed to
be somehow warped out of context. She is also known to be an overt
racist, and an elitist. Even now you have to ask, isn’t there
something wrong about an 80 year old woman, and granma, running for
mayor after she already held the office for three terms and already
lost the last term?

The proof is in the puddin. This town, like so many others in the US,
i.e. New Orleans and Sacramento, is heading for trouble. Huntsville’s
relative economic prosperity provides an insulator. The problems of
corruption and the indifference, and acceptance of human rights
abuses, even if on a smaller scale here, exudes and permeates the
larger culture of the United States. the bottom line is it’s wrong and
it’s injurious for our community and our country. Exactly like Penn

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