Tag: Mayor

Legalize Marijuana, Break The Cycle, End The Plantation

The “aggravations” that I mentioned, simply put, are that about half the state of Alabama is literally being run as a plantation; Alabama has a deeply corrupt legal system – led by Roy Moore – that is exploiting pseudo-religious cultism; and the fact that the Medical Industrial Complex is itself rampantly corrupt – especially in those areas of practice that are often subjective like psychological ailments.

Slum Lord Unregulated: Tommy Battle
Mayor Battle Tear That Building Down!

Which really just leaves a bunch of unanswered questions. Who owns the property? Is there even any hope of restoring the building? How can the City ignore what has become not just an eyesore, but an extremely dangerous attractive nuisance? (There was a death in the building recently, about 2 years ago, that was investigated as a suicide.) Early Works recently indicated that funding has been received in order to do major renovations to Constitution Hall Park, but no mention of the Historic Huntsville Freight Building was made.

NYPD Golden Wings Steal The Pigskin

And just one more thing. I like Henry Louis Gates and his remake of “Roots.” And, I know some people may not think he is European enough, never-the-less, he is my nomination to be the next Cuban Ambassador. Now, Cosmo and Steve Harvey are gonna start aksing funny too. The moral of the story is: ain’t nobody straight, if everybody be aksing funny.

Tommy Battle, Lewis Morris And Systemic Municipal Corruption

That a jailer can’t see someone is dying because it’s too expensive to bother with, that a poorly trained police officer finds it more efficient to kill someone wielding a knife because it’s “in accordance with Departmental policies,” and he can get away with it, that gang violence in the jail can go totally unchecked allowing an innocent victim to be brutally murdered, that the promotion of Lewis Morris Jr. actually stands as an endorsement of child molestation and torture… are all the exemplary results of the attitude that Tommy Battle embraces.

Huntsville’s Gestapo Strikes Again!

No doubt about it, knives can be dangerous, as evidenced by the recent beheadings of singled out westerners by Middle Eastern Islamic extremists. All the knife wielding terrorist needed to do the dirty deed, was a fixed blade knife about six inches long… and a hostage with a bag over his head, and his hands tied behind his back, and a dozen or so like minded henchmen with automatic weapons on stand by.

Who Is Parker Griffith?

People who sell out and become the wolf in sheep’s clothing usually have trouble drawing a line when it comes to morality, ethics, and individual rights and independence. Who is Parker Griffith? If you’re a liberal democrat, you might want to take a closer look at the political car he’s selling – I think maybe there’s some sawdust in the transmission.

BREAKING NEWS: Yard Abatement Last Straw

The scuttlebutt on the streets is that City and State officials have had it. This mayhem must be stopped! Reports at this time indicate that a contingency of armored vehicles has been commissioned from Redstone Arsenal with backup to arrive from Ft. McClellan within the week. Residents will be asked to move, and if they refuse, their homes will be bulldozed while they are still inside.