Unlike The Cannon Ball Run, which almost certainly indicates prescient knowledge by city planners on some level (of the impending Lee High Bus Massacre) this street was probably named before the massacre was orchestrated… maybe. Unfortunately, it does appear that the reflective concept ultimately provided inspiration to extend the event.
Tag: Conspiracy
Racism And Discrimination Under Colors Of Law
There’s a joke to it. What’s white and black and blue all over? Well, there’s white and black racism, and discrimination based on the blue color of law. Although, Brett Russell do look a little red-bone. Then the joke would be what’s black and white and red all over – making it a newspaper joke. In a way, it’s a little like the Is’s pledge of allegiance – corroborating the international terrorism connection. Hoo ha !!! Won’t it be interesting to see how long John Lee Bullard goes to jail – for compulsory medication by Novocaine – compared to the two dirtbags. Joke’s not that funny, but then, I’m not a newspaper man, I’m a journalist.
Huntsville Bus Station Spotlight – Ass Whoopin
There is, however, substantial evidence that this event was deliberately orchestrated to place a spotlight on the Lee High School Bus conspiracy massacre that occurred near this location in 2006, and is part of a conspiracy inspired and orchestrated by the recently announced seditious caliphate lead by Connecticut Governor Daniel P. Malloy, and US President Barack Obama. In short, this event is a conspiracy and a premeditated act of domestic terrorism by definition.
The Flawed Character Of Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz
Lt. Charles Joseph Gliniewicz – revered by the community as a hero and all around everyman, it now turns out the dirtbag committed suicide because he was stealing and laundering money from community programs. Yeah buddy, cop lives matter all right.
EXPOSÉ | Profile: Lewis J. Morris Jr.
Mr. Morris the school principle, as it turns out, is the apparent father of Huntsville’s current police chief, Lewis J. Morris Jr. I have previously noted in this series that I first published the Exposé on January 1, 1998, and the epicenter was Madison Pike Elementary from the very beginning. Which is to say, in 1998 I had no idea that there was a Lewis J. Morris Jr., much less that he was a police officer, or that he would be headed for the office of Police Chief.
EXPOSÉ | Profile: Loretta Spencer
Loretta was in fact largely motivated by the extremist in the feminist movement. Most folks are familiar with the highly charged rhetoric in the abortion debate. Pro-choice women are often referred to as “femi-nazis” by pro-life advocates. While the rhetoric is sincere in it’s own context, few would expect that “femi-naziism” would extend beyond the abortion debate to actually include holocaust, genocide, eugenics, and ethnic cleansing – of people already born.
What About Kenneth Shipp?
I’m surprised that Shipp’s attorney’s didn’t pursue a temporary insanity defense. Although we know that the standard of insanity defense in the State of Alabama is so high, that it is virtually never successful. In my opinion, while Kenneth Shipp might have acted irresponsibly in some ways, and it does seem obvious that he picked up his gun and pulled the trigger, the aggravating circumstances add up to manslaughter and twenty years – not life in prison.
A Very Bad Cop
William Eric Freeman: Poster Boy For RICO
Regardless of his beginning, it turns out that William Eric Freeman wasn’t much of a hero either. Because, while My Encounter With Danny Golden revealed he was poorly trained and incompetent, Eric Freeman was not only that, but he was also corrupt. My first encounter with Eric Freeman was not until 2001 and under circumstances that I am discussing only briefly because there are still outstanding legal issues, and injuries which trump any statute of limitation.
William Eric Freeman
I do remember thinking that the “consequence” for revealing “classified” information seemed a little distant and out of context. There certainly wasn’t anything I could do, I didn’t know the person, didn’t know if the dossier was just a joke done in poor taste, or a metaphor for something I didn’t yet understand, or whether it could be taken seriously at all. And, since I was the only one in the classroom who saw the material, there was no temptation to discuss the contents with the teacher who showed she wanted none of it, or the other students, which probably would have deemed my assertions unbelievable anyway, thereby making me a fool in the eyes of my fourth grade peers.
Legalize Marijuana, Break The Cycle, End The Plantation
The “aggravations” that I mentioned, simply put, are that about half the state of Alabama is literally being run as a plantation; Alabama has a deeply corrupt legal system – led by Roy Moore – that is exploiting pseudo-religious cultism; and the fact that the Medical Industrial Complex is itself rampantly corrupt – especially in those areas of practice that are often subjective like psychological ailments.