In reality, it would be more accurate to say Spencer was the first female leader of the KKK to be elected mayor of Huntsville.
Tag: City Council
Ray Jones & Jackie Reed – Live Stream – Super Combo Chat
Remembering Longtime Huntsville City Councilman Richard Showers Becomes A Step Back In Time
That’s when I got to know a little bit about Dr. Richard Showers. To be frank, that whole city council was a bunch of clowns. Dr. Showers, Glenn Watson, Bill Kling, Sandra Moon and Dick Hyatt were all up against an upstaging and strident Mayor Loretta Spencer. It didn’t matter what was on the meeting’s agenda, you were sure to get an entertaining show of some kind no matter.
George Floyd – Changing The (Confederate) Guard In Huntsville
Judge Pate Denies Immunity – Huntsville Police Officer William Darby To Face Justice
Madison County Circuit Court Judge Donna Pate today has denied Huntsville Police Officer William Darby’s request for immunity in the shooting death of suicidal Jeffrey Parker in April of 2018.
The Dareby Derby Shootout At 6409 Dare Aimus
Madison Police Cooking The Books And The Munchies
I am a native of Alabama, and so I fully understand some of the undertow of animosity and consternation that decent people in the South sometimes feel about a past that we did not participate in and had nothing to do with. As such, I am frankly disgusted and fed up with the “good ole boys” who still think they can turn the clock back 100 years to a time, a country, and a way of life that simply doesn’t exist. It’s obtuse.
The Homeless War – In Your Own Backyard
All Politics Is Local – Except Birmingham
As Alabama gears up for Super Tuesday, the Alabama governor and legislature cheats working folks in Birminham out of a living wage, under the subterfuge.
The Solidarity Of Law Enforcement Jihad | Tamir Rice : Nothing But A Gooked Up Piece Of Shit
A Very Bad Cop
Profile Of Indoctrination And Corruption: Madison County Sheriff Blake Dorning
A cops job is dangerous. True enough. But, take another looks a the facts. Since 1880, 22 law enforcement officials have been killed in Madison County. In the last ten years alone, I’ve counted about 15 unnecessary deaths that were the result of jailer depravity, or excessive force by cops. A that rate, the cops have killed around 200 people – almost all of which were innocent or guilty of nothing serious. A track record of 22 cops to 200 innocent citizens isn’t very good. In fact, it’s goddamn unacceptable.