My Goodness Plessy – Huntsville Erects A New Confederate Monument And It Looks Like Loretta Spencer

To my astonishment and amazement the Huntsville City Council recently voted to rename John Hunt Park – Huntsville’s predominate community sports park – to Loretta Spencer Park after the former mayor. The vote was unanimous. (Jennie Robinson was not in attendance.) In theory and convoluted rationale this was done to honor the first woman elected mayor of Huntsville. Although, I don’t know how she was ever elected in the first place. John Hunt was the first settler in Huntsville and is worthy to retain the honor in perpetuity.

In reality, it would be more accurate to say Spencer was the first female leader of the KKK to be elected mayor of Huntsville. Loretta’s hard core racism is well known and indisputable. Her racists rants against the late Dr. Richard Showers, a longtime black councilman, are well documented. Her sense of aristocratic entitlement is obviously born out of the authoritarianism of the old south small business and plantation community. She is re-known for her support of neo-nazi protocols that necessarily result in eugenics, ethnic cleansing, genocide and holocaust.

As I say, I can’t understand how anyone voted for her in the first place, and I certainly can’t see offering her any additional honor. What is most perplexing to me is that both of the current black members on the City Council, John Meredith and Devin Keith, voted in favor of this absurdity. It’s shameful that the council voted for this, it’s unforgivable that black council members voted to honor Loretta Spencer.

I have no doubt that many black people in Huntsville feel the same way as I do but don’t wish to rock the boat of so-called compromise coming from black city leaders – if that’s what it is. But, we ALL endured the BLM riots and many white folks stand with black people attempting to advance civil rights and parity for all.

Black people and white people alike should be insulted by the erection of a new confederate monument that looks like Loretta Spencer. When black leadership turns a blind eye to such an egregious action they loose the respect of everyone who still believes in a better future and opportunity for everyone. John Meredith and Devyn Keith just lost a lot of respect and effectiveness in the community.

I’m therefore calling for the resignation of John Meredith and Devyn Keith.

©2023 – Jim Casey

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