$1 billion levied against Alex Jones for exercising 1st amendment rights portends a bellwether of censorship ushering in big brother and religious cult authoritarianism.
Tag: 2nd Amendment
Anti 2nd Amendment Demonstration In Huntsville
The so-called “March For Our Lives” protestors convened in Big Spring Park this morning marching around town and back again chanting and displaying posters.
Jim Casey’s Deep State Of The Farsee
Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump
Stupid Bad Boy Donald J Trump has been working overtime. First, he threatened to call a meeting of the second amendment people to facilitate a resolve to the situation with Hillary. Then, he started talking about some sort of orderly plan based on bad Mexican people vs. ok Mexican people vs. good Mexican people to determine which ones and how many at a time will be thrown back over the new wall – once it’s built – that Mexico is going to pay for. Then he stepped on some colored toes by explaining to the black folks that in many ways the democratic dynasty of JFK hasn’t exactly been a resounding success for them. Some of the black folks didn’t agree, but they didn’t hang around too long because they were out looking for a place to eat pizza.
Michael Bloomberg’s Gun Control Ads
Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many
The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]
NRA President David Keene Puts The 2nd Amendment On Slippery Slope
In the wake of Sandy Hook, David Keene, President of the NRA, made an appearance on CBS’s Face the Nation this morning. During the interview Bob Schieffer miopically declared that it has been shown in cultures where there are no guns, there is less gun violence. What Bob, and even Mr. Keene, failed to point […]