Tag: Campaign

Barack Obama’s Mea Culpa Shake Shake Shake

At the time, I thought it odd that he would suddenly make a very deliberate effort to reach out and shake hands with what I assume to be a secret service agent. Could be a county detective, but even still, it seemed out of character to me. Either way, it seemed he was posing for my benefit, which might bring on some secondary possibilities that would explain his particularly magnanimous behavior – for a hack photographer and a shade tree website builder like myself.

Hillaryous | Obama Radicalized, Seditious

What is naive, is to think the US government is unaware and unable to stop terrorism before it happens. Donald J. Trump admitted he knew about 911, but people still don’t seem to get it. Terrorism is planned decades in advance. The ONLY way to end the terrorism facilitated by a government, CIA, FBI and MIC that are already radicalized and ultra-extreme is to stop voting for the establishment radicals – whether they are career politicians or not.

Time For The Deep End Dump Trump | What Next?

So, Trump’s mockery of republican extremism has now come home, and frankly, Hillaryous just got elected. (Rand Paul…) But listen, can you really vote for… that? I’m not saying Hillary Clinton should be viewed as a referendum on abortion, which it is. I’m saying Hillary Clinton should be viewed as a referendum on feminazzism, which she is, and we cannot under any circumstances afford the hate mongering of a racist aristocratic place keeper like Hillaryous.

Another Loudmouth Sheriff Thinks He’s A Clever Smartass

Not unlike smart-ass Harris County Texas Sheriff Ron Hickman who convicted the suspect before he was even apprehended ( see the article below “Darren Goforth dTIRRd By Miles & Miles & Miles | Pigs Don’t Learn” ), Sheriff Hanlin has already got it all figured out. Within two days of what was indeed a horrific massacre in Umpqua Oregon, without being able to talk to Chris Harper Mercer – because he is dead – while his family, all the students, and all he community is still in shock – this smart ass sheriff KNOWS everything there is to know, has convicted Harper of mental illness, and declared him to be “unrecognizable.”

Trump The Debate Leader

The media pundits continue to speak out of both sides of their mouths as they declare on one hand that Donald Trump has struck a chord and is invigorating previously disenfranchised voters, while still claiming he is unfit, unworthy, inappropriate, can’t be taken seriously, doesn’t represent… ad nauseum.