Tag: Presidential

Biden Paybacks Be Crazy

Biden Puts The Chains on Ryan! Talk about media bias. If you are not aware, I generally watch CBS for news and political information. Not that I always agree with them, I don’t. But I really couldn’t abide a steady dose of an onion breath radish like Martha Radditz – yuck! The bias of which […]

Twittering The Great Debate!

I am pleased to announce, although not running as a republican (I am Independent), I will be the only conservative participating in tomorrow night’s presidential debate. That as a result of Mitt Romney once again demonstrating himself to be a liberal democrat, flippy flopping on his pledge to oppose illegal immigration. I believe I recall […]


Tomorrow, Sunday evening Sept. 23, 60 Minutes is supposed to have the Two Buffoons in two separate interviews. I plan to Twitter in real-time to the questions and the Two Buffoons’ responses. It should be interesting. Join me here:Jim Casey Campaign Twitter Updates I also plan to participate in the debate coming up. That should be really interesting. And […]

Presidential Reality Check

The reality is, you have been lied to by both major political parties. Understanding what is important in this election depends on understanding what is real, and what is true. The United States economy is in decline. The fact is, since the inevitable lowering of trade barriers decades ago through NAFTA and GATT, jobs in […]

Romney Out Grinched By Romney

After months of assuring the republican rank and file he would – on his “first day” in office – repeal the entire ACA, Romney this week announced his support for “some parts” of the health care bill. It was after all his baby born in Michigan, grown to a toddler during Obama’s first term, and […]

Huntsville’s Race For Mayor

Many of you know I ran for mayor, legitimately and officially on the ballot, in 2000 and 2004. I regret my effort fell short, largely due to limited campaign funds, and a compromised posture that really didn’t allow me to ramp up heavy duty fundraising and campaign. As you know, Loretta Spencer is embarrassing herself […]

CRAP! Mitt Romney’s “Bane Capital”

(Whatever happened to the Hollywood movie “911” released a few months before 911?) Yesterday, and a few days before, the character “Bane” in the new Batman movie was scrutinized by news media as a deliberate reference by Hollywood – Warner Brothers, to Romney’s Bain Capital. Today, in the wake of the massacre in Aurora Colorado, […]

Thirty Pesos For Grinch

I have to admit I was a little surprised this week when Alabama voted for Rick Santorum. It was only in the last two weeks that he showed himself to be a religious nutcase when he challenged remarks by John F. Kennedy asserting separation of church and state, and his disinclination to take orders from […]