LISTEN TO BILLION DOLLAR SKY IN MY FINEST RENDITION OF FARSEE One can little argue that the impact of the Trade Center bombings in New York on September 11 was felt by, and ultimately impacted, all Americans in some way. If you didn’t know someone who was killed in one of the towers, or […]
Tag: News
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P2
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P3
During the execution of Timothy, CBS News ran a tribute to the victims that
was unabashedly mellow dramatic. It isn’t that the victims don’t deserve consideration.
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P4
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P1
Rocker Say No!
It is almost incomprehensible. It is so far beyond the pale, that it is unbelievable. It is dangerous. Really dangerous. And yet, where are the outraged fans, community groups, mental health advocates, and church leadership? (72 KB midi file / 5 min. 18 sec. audio) Atlanta Braves pitcher John Rocker raises a defient fist to […]
Of Einstein, Beer, And Things Related
Delusion Is Done
Feminists Served Notice The break down of the American family is a problem that everyone will eventually reap the consequences of. Kids, especially young children, are more grounded and more secure when they have that contact with their mother in the nurturing years. Kids who grow up latchkey are more prone to violence and to […]
TOCC TV – A Dwarf Star Is Born
Digging through some more of the totally defunct archives that usually get the term “morgue” because they are no longer available anywhere, and in fact maybe hard for me to even find because I’ve got computer files on 1.5″ floppies, cds, dvd discs, zips, flashes, portable backup discs, crashed hard-drives, and more than one working computer – I finally found the very first page that was the inception of TOCC TV.