Tag: Life

Growing Some Funky Chinese Onions

I would like to say that I truly appreciate the candor of my three subsidiaries: The New York Times (Chinese News Site Cites Onion On Kim Jong Un Piece), The Onion, and The People’s Daily, in further exposing the importance of my work. Satire is an important mechanism whereby intelligent people are challenged to review […]

Romney Out Grinched By Romney

After months of assuring the republican rank and file he would – on his “first day” in office – repeal the entire ACA, Romney this week announced his support for “some parts” of the health care bill. It was after all his baby born in Michigan, grown to a toddler during Obama’s first term, and […]

PUFF! The Wizard Of Journalism

Wow. There are times in my challenged way of life that I stop and think how extraordinarily lucky I am to be a journalist at this time. I am not a newspaper man. I most certainly am not the Editor & Publisher of the Daily Oxymoron. An oxymoron unto itself, but all things in context. […]


There was a reason why it was called “Independence Day,” aka the 4th of July. In the beginning, the American colonies got together and decided they didn’t much care for the oppressive tyranny of the English Crown and King George. Thousands of American soldiers sacrificed their lives so that we might live independently. And, incidentally, […]