Butler has also played a roll in a cult of malfeasant medical professionals that enforces their neo-Nazi agenda by raping children, engaging in “hack” conspiracies, gas lighting, and other tactics that are not ethical or legal.
Tag: Legislature
Zooey Zephr: Got Burka?
It’s all about first amendment rights and the worst and most unconstitutional censorship of all – by government.
George Floyd – Changing The (Confederate) Guard In Huntsville
Alabama Senate Smoking 🚬 Dopes Again
Alabama legislators appear to be again setting the stage to do a disservice to the conservative, independent people of Alabama.
Alabama Confederate Monuments Are Racism Pure And Simple
The Contemptible Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore Going Down Again
Dear “Christian” Alabamian, please take off your shoes and socks and stick your toes out in front of a vehicle rolling by on the street. I only hope I can offend the morons that much who actually voted to return Roy Moore to office after he had been removed the first time. This argument comes up over and over again, and it truly is tiresome, but some people just don’t get it. It isn’t about your faith, it isn’t about whether or not you are a Christian, it isn’t about whether or not you agree with same sex marriage. It’s about the constitution stupid.
All Politics Is Local – Except Birmingham
As Alabama gears up for Super Tuesday, the Alabama governor and legislature cheats working folks in Birminham out of a living wage, under the subterfuge.
The NRA’s Gun Totin’ Weirdos
And besides, who ever heard of sauntering into the old west saloon with a long gun in the first place? Surely you watch TV. In all the westerns I’ve seen, when the cowboy crashes through the swinging saloon doors with a rifle, he’s either looking for the bad buy so he can shoot him, or he is the bad guy and he’s gonna shoot somebody. Either way, he isn’t looking for trouble, he is trouble.
Tutwiler Prison: Plantation A Or Plantation B?
At face value, the entire situation is absolutely ridiculous and completely inexcusable. The facility isn’t really all that large. Recent numbers indicate that Tutwiler is currently housing less than 1000 inmates, and has a staff of about 100. That’s smaller than most of the hundreds of high schools in Alabama.
Obama Got Your Face
For the facial recognition record, it is my opinion that state legislator Mike Ball should shut his mouth and swallow his own cannabidiol oil.
Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many
The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]
Roy Moore Leading The Blind Astray
Today’s newspaper reports that Roy Moore, (previously) Alabama’s “Ten Commandments” Supreme Court Chief justice is following in my footsteps declaring his approbation for and the virtues of the United States Constitution. His biggest concern is his perception that the states should have more authority than now afforded by the federal government. He is the Republican […]