Today I’m on the road somewhere in North Carolina. Since I’m not back home in Alabama, I didn’t vote. But make no mistake, I wouldn’t have voted either way.
Tag: Freedom of Press
Mark Zuckerberg’s “Blood Libel”
Asserting that the “official” version of Sandy Hook is absolutely correct while disallowing any other narrative is “blood libel” – theoretically and in my opinion.
“Julian Assange doesn’t have a constitutional right to hack Pentagon emails” – Wait, Whut?
So, what are you going to call Julian Assange, a journalist, a publisher, a spy, a mercenary, a soldier? And what about Chelsea Manning and American hero Edward Snowden?
Charlottesville !!! It’s About The Constitution Stupid !
And for Mr. Trump, I’ve stated my opinion that the monuments should be moved. Beyond that, I can’t possibly see how you could have handled the situation in Charlottesville any better. You’ve got my approval rating for this one.
Mark Roberts Delivers Mea-Culpa For Chief Lewis Morris
While the TV advertisement is for a texting app, there does seem to be some overtures and inuendo that answers and/or offers mea-culpa for my allegations. Either way, it’s just another extraordinary show of arrogance and inappropriate behaviour discussed in the previous column. Move over Ferguson, he comes Huntsville…
King Duck Has Arrived!
Yes! Virginia, I AM A Journalist!
I remember more than eight years ago when I began discovering the Internet and all it’s potential. There was no such thing as a “blogger” back in those days. The best computers were likely still running on 400 cpus, or less, and the idea of audio and video were seriously hampered by immanently slow connection […]
Jingo Jimmy Jackson Says “I Love America”
This serves as a perfect example of why Church’s ought to mind their own business in the first place…you gotta wonder why Jimmy Jackson continues to inspire faith based jingoism amoung the apparently blind masses.
Absolute power corrupts absolute, and as I recall Ted Turner, wise man that he is, once called Christians “stupid.” He eventually apologized, but for what I don’t know. While Christians are foolishly attempting to take over government with religion, the potential grows for a flag burning amendment that would essentially set the stage for the dissolution of all basic constitutional rights to unravel like a braided sisal rope without a boy scout.