Madison County Circuit Court Judge Donna Pate today has denied Huntsville Police Officer William Darby’s request for immunity in the shooting death of suicidal Jeffrey Parker in April of 2018.
Tag: Danny Golden
Update: SUPER COP !!! Ricky McCarver
In fact, in spite of the fact that McCarver is not a rookie, he looks an awful lot like both William Eric Freeman and Danny Golden, both Huntsville cops that got themselves killed largely with their own stupidity. What did McCarver do wrong? Plenty. First, like the two rookies mentioned, McCarver apparently acted impetuously. He knew he was responding to a situation where there had already been violence, he could see that John Lee Bullard was twice his size, and yet he went ahead and confronted Bullard without any backup what-so-ever. In fact, other bus riders had to utilize the radio in McCarver’s squad car to call for assistance. How stupid is that?
A Very Bad Cop
My Encounter With Danny Golden
Under the circumstances, someone less experienced and less mature than myself, might not have been able to read the wild-eyed officer as well, and there is no question that he was ready to shoot to kill. Someone else would’ve probably been dead. That was my assessment when it happened, and it still is today.
Benito Albarran: Shades of Farron Barksdale And Systemic Penal Corruption
Isn’t killing a police officer serious? Of course it is, and I’m not making excuses for Albarran. But, the very fact that we have a civilized system that includes an organized method of determining the disposition of crime, and that that system includes police officers who go about doing their job – hopefully in a civilized manner – is the same system that by definition says that even convicts are not to be killed, or allowed to commit suicide, while in prison.
Art Stogner, Jason Moore, And Child Molestation In Huntsville City Schools
Never Stop And Frisk A Ferral Cat
Oriana Ferral did something wrong, even still, she is not incarnate evil waging war on New Mexico. Her kids certainly are not.
The Gestapo’s Convenient Cover
Will Culver, also black and a former police officer, has decried the behaviour of both officers and voted against their reinstatement, while noting that the council had little choice in Brett Russell’s case because of the precedent set just a week ago in the PJ Lee case.