Now we all could become amoung the “frozen Cho’s in!” And, speaking of double standards in this once great US of A, I still gaze in awe at how women continue to get away with murder, and then yell “harassment” and “glass ceiling” in the workplace. Never mind the little slut comes to work wearing […]
Tag: Constitution
Yes! Virginia, I AM A Journalist!
I remember more than eight years ago when I began discovering the Internet and all it’s potential. There was no such thing as a “blogger” back in those days. The best computers were likely still running on 400 cpus, or less, and the idea of audio and video were seriously hampered by immanently slow connection […]
Atlanta Gives Homeless Niggers The Boot
Feminist whore and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wants to run off all them yard niggers in downtown Atlanta ’cause they don’t look good, or smell good, or behave jest like masser wants ’em too. Schoose me, some of dat dar’ dirty rubbed off jest from readin’ the article in Tuesday’s USA Today. (I’m a white […]
Mary Jane Caylor Acts In Concert With Terrorists; 2005 Time Capsule — Propaganda Tool Of Gestapo
The unearthing of the capsule is the first impropriety as it was orchestrated to follow immediately on the heals of George Bush’s presidential inauguration on January 20th. Literally just two hours after the Republican Bush was sworn in, the Democratic Party time capsule ceremonies began.
It’s A Bomb!
Oh, I got it all right. Jose L. Gonzales doesn’t have constitutional rights because he isn’t a United States citizen. Well my friend, neither are you anymore.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest?
Two nights ago on Monday evening, I attended and spoke at a public forum held by North Alabama State lawmakers. The forum was broadcast by a local cable carrier, and for those viewers no additional explanation of my remarks will be needed. However, although the Huntsville Times actually did a better job of placing my […]
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P2
Timothy McVeigh | KING OF THE JEWS! P3
During the execution of Timothy, CBS News ran a tribute to the victims that
was unabashedly mellow dramatic. It isn’t that the victims don’t deserve consideration.