Unfortunately, the shtick and the catharsis, however well-intentioned and sincere they may actually be, won’t be enough to erase and “heal” the deeper and longer term injuries that both sides have endured over the years. And, as noted in the rebuttal, there are already issues to which even a moderate conservative such as myself can and does take umbrage with…
Tag: Congress
Huntsville City Depot Transportation Bus Station Complex Maps
After reviewing all the information available, it turns out that the current Huntsville City Transportation Bus Station is built immediately on top of the original Huntsville Train Shops that were built around 1860. In fact, it seems highly likely that the digital time and temperature display located in the center of the bus terminal awning, is just about exactly in the center of the original turntable location. The point of impact of the Lee High School Bus, when it fell from the sky like a bomb, is also marked on these maps. Check it out.
Huntsville Post Office Employees Protest Service Changes
Who Is Parker Griffith?
People who sell out and become the wolf in sheep’s clothing usually have trouble drawing a line when it comes to morality, ethics, and individual rights and independence. Who is Parker Griffith? If you’re a liberal democrat, you might want to take a closer look at the political car he’s selling – I think maybe there’s some sawdust in the transmission.
Meet Tommy O’BattleCare Of Huntsville
Today, when you go to the store to buy your goods and services, you will be met with an additional one percent sales tax. Last fall, right before Christmas, when no one was paying attention, the Huntsville City Council unanimously passed the sales tax increase – and today is your lucky day!
The FLAG BURNING VIDEO is back! Check out this upgraded presentation of an old favorite on TOCC.tv.
…and use it to blindside the American public with unconstitutional constrictions, requirements, and compulsions that would make Hitler and Mussolini argue over which way the swastika is blowing.
The Incarnate Evil Of Google
Google’s long held mantra of “do no evil” would seem laughable except that the breach of privacy is so egregious. Instead, I would refer to Google as incarnate evil – and already have.
Edward Snowden American Hero & Whistle Blower Charged With Espionage
All the basic principles of good government, good media, and good citizenship are being turned upside down by obvious and glaring conflicts of interest.
Obama’s POTUS SOTU | Rubio’s Sacred Cow
Some pundits described Obama’s State of the Union address tonight as “conciliatory.” I’m not sure I understand the sentiment behind the perspective. I would have characterized the President’s remarks, in the wake of the election, almost as cliché, or maybe non-descript, and maybe more aptly as an introduction to Marco Rubio. Not that he didn’t […]
Obama Smoked One Joint Too Many
The rhetoric is false, deceptive, and dangerous. For Obama and the gun control nuts, this is still the United States of America, and there is still a constitutional process involved in changing policy and laws. The 2nd amendment doesn’t guarantee your right to own a shotgun for hunting, it does recognize your unalienable right to […]