Somehow, someway, the election process must be restored to something that includes everyone in the process, not just the caucus to be first under the wire.
Category: Editorials
Gangland Execution Of Farron Barksdale?
After pleading guilty to killing two Athens, Alabama police officers in 1994, Farron Barksdale was sentenced to life in prison and subsequently transferred about two weeks ago to Kilby State Correctional Facility in South Alabama. Three days later he was found unconscious in his prison cell and declared to be suffering from a “heat” related […]
Mental Health System Corruption
Can there be any doubt that Ken Kesey’s classic account “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” is not an unlikely scenario in today’s rampantly corrupt medical community? The corruption in the medical community overall ought to be obvious when one considers the odious reality that very nearly half of all American’s are on some kind […]
Mary Winkler Is Sorry Secure Yourself To Heaven!
Now we all could become amoung the “frozen Cho’s in!” And, speaking of double standards in this once great US of A, I still gaze in awe at how women continue to get away with murder, and then yell “harassment” and “glass ceiling” in the workplace. Never mind the little slut comes to work wearing […]
Lee High School Bus Massacre
Yes! Virginia, I AM A Journalist!
I remember more than eight years ago when I began discovering the Internet and all it’s potential. There was no such thing as a “blogger” back in those days. The best computers were likely still running on 400 cpus, or less, and the idea of audio and video were seriously hampered by immanently slow connection […]
II) CBS News Make Over
I see with consternation and sadness that Dan Rather is throwing in the towel at CBS once and for all. I hadn’t realized how old Dan is until all the raucous over his tenure had come up lately. Seventy-four has even got Paul McCartney beat. Frankly, I think Dan got a raw deal in the […]
Alabama Brody Bill Ultimate Legal Hypocrisy
Never underestimate the histrionic whims of an Alabama politician. Or, for that matter, the histrionic whims of the entire Alabama legislature. Indeed, Alabama has just set the highest standard for the worst law possible.
How Serious Is Assisted Murder?
The Supreme Court this week upheld Oregon’s doctor assisted suicide law. You gotta wonder where their brains are on that one. While it certainly seems plausible for the dieing cancer patient to argue their right to pass with dignity, one simply cannot dismiss the potential implications and abuses that comes with allowing one human being […]
Got Sirius?
The real event is so understated that most still think it’s all about Howard. I wonder if he even knows just how lucky he is, ha ha ha, as he walks laughing all the way to the bank I suppose he understands the money. But, it’s about much more than money. It’s about the entire industrial revolution. It’s about evangelism, it’s about sending the English language to the four corners of the world…and man to the moon…
New Time Capsule Dedication
Atlanta Gives Homeless Niggers The Boot
Feminist whore and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin wants to run off all them yard niggers in downtown Atlanta ’cause they don’t look good, or smell good, or behave jest like masser wants ’em too. Schoose me, some of dat dar’ dirty rubbed off jest from readin’ the article in Tuesday’s USA Today. (I’m a white […]