Beware the contributions of thieves and the voice of liars !!!
Category: Editorials
The Return Of Sputnik | A Letter To Mr. Putin
Somewhere Over The DOMA
At some point, you have to wonder whether what you have is a Roman orgy, or maybe it’s just a universal healthcare insurance co-op.
THEY DID NOT DIE so that you would become a virtual prisoner in your own home, the only place you can actually be without being stalked or under surveillance, assuming you use no telecommunications.
Edward Snowden is A Hero Get Over It And Let It Go
911 is over, ever’thing ain’t changed much. Get over it and let it go.
Edward Snowden American Hero & Whistle Blower Charged With Espionage
All the basic principles of good government, good media, and good citizenship are being turned upside down by obvious and glaring conflicts of interest.
Digital Revolution | Life Is Good, Then Again Maybe Not
Roberts Supreme Court Advances Ethnic Cleansing Under Obamacare
God bless Angelina Jolie if she wants to cut ‘em off to avoid a problem down the road. But would you have made the same decision?
Jimmy Jackson The Mouthpiece Of Whitesburg Baptist
I stand by my remarks because I believe so many pastors and Church’s have taken “preaching to itching ears” to a new level. And frankly, the jingoism is dangerous.
Boston Tea Party Terrorist Bombings
Suggesting John McCain, and the other three nutcases, Lindsey Graham, Kelly Ayotte, and Pete King, are acting on behalf of not only domestic terrorism, but even sympathizers of international terrorism may seem a little far fetched. But does it really?
Boston Terrorism Style Gun Control
A perfect plantation system where you get only what you need to insure you’re productive for your duties, while eliminating personal discretion in just about everything you do, say, eat, or where you go. Healthy slaves is productive slaves.
USA Today Chief Editor David Callaway Bows To King Content
I usually don’t have comments on too much of this stuff, but this time I especially give kudos to USA Today for eliminating the obnoxious and unnecessary page breaks that often seemed to occur after every paragraph.