Tag: President

CRAP! Mitt Romney’s “Bane Capital”

(Whatever happened to the Hollywood movie “911” released a few months before 911?) Yesterday, and a few days before, the character “Bane” in the new Batman movie was scrutinized by news media as a deliberate reference by Hollywood – Warner Brothers, to Romney’s Bain Capital. Today, in the wake of the massacre in Aurora Colorado, […]

Roy Moore Leading The Blind Astray

Today’s newspaper reports that Roy Moore, (previously) Alabama’s “Ten Commandments” Supreme Court Chief justice is following in my footsteps declaring his approbation for and the virtues of the United States Constitution. His biggest concern is his perception that the states should have more authority than now afforded by the federal government. He is the Republican […]

John Roberts Is Dangerous

This is a column I published about John Roberts in 2009. This man is the real deal. He’s done real damage. He is dangerous. He must be impeached…that is what the Republicans should be saying…they aren’t…because he is their idea to begin with. 2009.04.23 — Editorial Impeach John Roberts And The Supreme Court The Supreme […]

Bloomberg’s Disgusting Garbage

re: Today’s NYT’s Thousands March to Protest “Stop-and-Frisk” As described in today’s article, there isn’t any room for discussion – stop and frisk is unequivocally, blatantly, unconstitutional. The first answer to correct New York’s problems should be an indictment and prosecution of Michael Bloomberg for what is apparently tantamount to sedition. He doesn’t get to […]

TOCC TV – A Dwarf Star Is Born

Digging through some more of the totally defunct archives that usually get the term “morgue” because they are no longer available anywhere, and in fact maybe hard for me to even find because I’ve got computer files on 1.5″ floppies, cds, dvd discs, zips, flashes, portable backup discs, crashed hard-drives, and more than one working computer – I finally found the very first page that was the inception of TOCC TV.