Sure enough, at the head of the table, sat the unmistakable, flamboyant icon – with his “towering pompador.”
Tag: Parkway
Marvin… Was A Friend Of Mine
The McBoom Heard Around The World
Unlike The Cannon Ball Run, which almost certainly indicates prescient knowledge by city planners on some level (of the impending Lee High Bus Massacre) this street was probably named before the massacre was orchestrated… maybe. Unfortunately, it does appear that the reflective concept ultimately provided inspiration to extend the event.
Gizmo From HELL! Encore
One good turn deserves another, is how the saying goes. And these guys are unstoppable. Once started on the Parkway I565 cloverleaf, however, I think they may have gotten into a Mobius loop. Every time they get to the end of a ramp, they turn around and go back in the same direction from whence they came.