That’s when I got to know a little bit about Dr. Richard Showers. To be frank, that whole city council was a bunch of clowns. Dr. Showers, Glenn Watson, Bill Kling, Sandra Moon and Dick Hyatt were all up against an upstaging and strident Mayor Loretta Spencer. It didn’t matter what was on the meeting’s agenda, you were sure to get an entertaining show of some kind no matter.
Tag: Moon
Apollo 11 50th Anniversary – Global Rocket Launch
Apollo Moon Landing 50th Anniversary
RIP Owen Garriott
Tunnel Vision – Monroe Street Bridge Construction
Buzz Aldrin – Lost In Space
For The Super Blue Blood Moon 2018 – Merge From Right
TOCC TV Moonman Of The Year
Solar Eclipse 2017
Will The Dark Side Of The Moon Be Apocalypse Now?!
Forgive me for waxing poetic… well maybe this wrap-up should just be called “waxy.” … In short, these stories about eugenics, censorship, invasion of privacy and the impending North Korean apocalypse deserve much more attention, but the world moves on, and these stories will reappear, probably over and again. Never-the-less, I take note for the sake of doing so.